After-School Activities
- Here are the After-school activities for Term 2
- Please use this form to sign-up for after-school activities in Term 2
- Sign-ups close on Wednesday of Week 2
- After-school activities start in Week 3
- Student-led clubs will be organised in Week 2 and the sign-up form will be published on Wednesday
PTA Coffee Morning
The PTA will be hosting a coffee morning on Wednesday, 15th January, at 9am in the school lobby. Come along to find out what the PTA has planned for this term, or maybe just for a chat. We are always looking for parents who want to get involved with the PTA and organising events for our kids.
Parents are welcome to ride the school bus to school on this day.
Ski Trip
Thank you to everyone who came to the ski trip meeting on Monday.
We are now asking for you to decide if your child will be joining this trip or not by Monday, 13th January.
Payment will be due by Friday, 17th January.
Here is the presentation from Monday’s meeting
Here is the form to tell us if your child is going. Please also complete the form even if the child is not going.
If you have any further questions, please let me know or contact Ms. Isla in the Admin Office.
School Fee Receipts
The Admin Office have sent out confirmation of school fee receipts to the students who requested them on Friday. If anyone needs this school fee receipt for the 2024 tax settlement (연말정산), please contact the Admin Office.
School Consultative Group
Due to students leaving the school, we need to find some new parents to join the School Consultative Group. The School Consulative Group is a group and parents, teachers, and admin staff who meet termly to discuss issues relating to the school’s operations and plans for the future. Parent members are responsible for representing the interests of the parent community at these meetings.
If you would like to join this group, please email Mr. Green before Friday 17th January. If more than two parents wish to join, an election will be held. The results of this process will be published in the School Newsletter.
2025/26 School Calendar: UPDATED
The 2025/26 School Calendar is now available on the school website.
There has been an alteration since the calendar was first published. Please check and download it again.
Upcoming Events
- PTA Coffee Morning – Wednesday, 15th January, at 9am
- Lunar New Year Celebration – Thursday, 23rd January
- Upper School Ski Trip – Wednesday 5th – Friday 7th February
- Mid-Year Reports Published – Friday, 7th February
- Parent-Teacher Conferences – To be arranged in Week 5
- International Day – Friday, 7th March
- School Consultative Group Meeting – Wednesday, 12th March
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Class Updates
Don’t forget to read your latest Class Update!
Great Learning Happening
Lots of physics going on this week!