Hello everyone!
With only one week left of the first term, we are beginning to wrap up various units before the Christmas break. The students have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our class Winter Show performance, which promises to be great fun! For our performance, it would be lovely if the children could wear something festive—this could be in festive colours or designs. However, please do not feel obliged to buy anything new.
Here are some highlights from the week’s learning.
In English, the children planned and began writing their final historical narratives, inspired by the class text Stone Age Boy. They will have additional time next week to complete these. I have been impressed by the children’s independent writing and creativity.
In Maths, the children spent the week exploring the concept of area. For many, this was a new topic, so we started by understanding what area is, counting squares to calculate area, and comparing the areas of different shapes. Although this was a short unit, the children successfully completed the assessment yesterday.
We have also concluded our IPC unit, Scavengers and Settlers. To showcase their learning, the children are creating model settlements representing some of the different periods we studied. They will also add labels and explanations to their models.
In Guided Reading, we finished our unit on The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. As a fun activity, the children participated in a scavenger hunt in the library to discover other classic children’s stories.