Hello everyone!
The Winter Show was a fun and exciting way to end the first term! I was incredibly impressed by all the performances, and the students demonstrated remarkable confidence. However, the end of the term was bittersweet as we bid farewell to two students in our class. Ayaka and Yerang are moving on to new schools, and we wish them every success in the future. They will be deeply missed by everyone.
Last week, the students wrapped up their Exit Point for our IPC unit, Scavengers and Settlers. They completed their models, added detailed information, and included labels. In Literacy, they finished their stories and dedicated a lesson to editing and improving their writing. Additionally, we explored poetry together, culminating in the creation of Christmas-themed acrostic poems. In Maths, the children spent the week reviewing key concepts from the first term, reinforcing their understanding and consolidating their learning.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope everyone has a wonderful Winter break.