Mrs Sim - 2024/25

  • Mrs. Sim’s Weekly Update – Term 2 Week 5

    Happy ❤️ Day ❤️I hope you are all having a LOVEly day hehe 💗 We just finished off the week with a little Valentine’s Day craft party. We read the book “Love from the Crayons” and made these beautiful crafts. The children discussed the love that each colour brings to them. It was a very touching lesson. After our crafts, we enjoyed some crepes made by Sofija’s mummy. We melted some chocolate and rolled them up. Yummy Yummy! The children also received a gift from Elena’s mummy today and I have sent them home in their bags. Thank you so Mrs. Sim’s Weekly Update – Term 2 Week 5

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 4

    Hello and Happy Friday!  What a cold week it has been! Time has flown by and that can only mean one thing-time flies when you are having fun 🙂 I would like to start this update by letting you all know about a lovely moment I had with the students this week. We have a new student joining us in 2 weeks time and he came to visit us for a morning. Every single student made me so proud with their kindness and help. They were showing him where to go, helping him at break and making him feel so Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 4

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 3

    Dear Parents, I hope you are all well, having a wonderful week and looking forward to the Seollnal celebrations. Let’s take a look at what we have been learning this week! Maths In Maths this week both the Y1 students and the Y2 students sat their end of unit assessments and they all did very well. I have sent the results home for you to see. I was very proud of them for doing so well. Year 1  Use a number line to 20 Estimate on a number line to 20 Compare numbers to 20 Order numbers to 20 Assessment Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 3

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 2

    Dear Parents, Oh what a week we’ve had. There has been a lot of sickness this week in our class and many absences. I  hope everyone gets better soon 🙂I’m thinking of all those who aren’t feeling well.  I have stayed on track with the curriculum and with fewer students, we have gotten through a lot of work and had fun together. In Maths, this week, Year 1 continued with their unit on Place Value and are due to finish it next week. The Year 2 students have been learning all about money and will sit an assessment for the Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 2

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 1

    A warm welcome back and a very Happy New Year to you and your family. I hope 2025 is a wonderful year filled with love, laughter and happiness. We have had a great first week back with lots of fun learning. I missed the students so much and it was great to be reunited. I think it is going to be a fantastic Term 2! In Maths both Year groups started new units this week. Here are the objectives we covered: Year 1 Spr.1.1 – Count within 20 Spr.1.2 – Understand 10 Spr.1.3 – Understand 11, 12 and 13 Spr.1.4 Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 1

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 15

    Ho Ho Hello Parents! Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is definitely getting in to the Christmas spirit now! 🙂 Christmas Show We have been very busy practising our dancing this week and the children are super excited to show you their great performance!  The dresses arrived and have been sent home with the students today.  I have bought small reindeer clips for the girls and headbands for the boys to wear at the Christmas Show. I will keep them in the classroom so that we don’t have anyone forgetting them on the day. Kano’s mum and Elena’s mum Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 15

    Weekly Update-Term 1 Week 14

    Dear Parents, I hope you are all well. It was nice to see some of you this afternoon. We had a lovely end to the week thanks to our dedicated PTA pulling off yet another great event. The students were so excited to bring in their money and purses and purchase new things. We have just two short weeks left until the end of Term 1- I can’t quite believe it! We have been practising our dance this week and have made some good progress. Here is the link to the dance if your child would like to practise at home. Weekly Update-Term 1 Week 14

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 12

    Hello! Dear Parents, Happy Friday to you all! Well, what a busy week we have had! Time has flown by! The trip to Seonam Park was so much fun, and the sun shone all day for us. We enjoyed climbing, building, bubbles, ziplining, and bouncing! The children didn’t want to go home! I hope they made lots of great memories.  Let’s take a look at what we learned this week. In Maths this week we have completed the following objectives: Year 1 3.2 – Sort 3-D shapes 3.3 – Recognise and name 2-D shapes 3.4 – Sort 2-D shapes Year Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 12

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 11

    Dear Parents, I hope you have all had a nice week. We have had a great week in Year 1/2 with lots of special moments. The highlight of our week was meeting our destination on our Positive Pathway (our class’s Behaviour Support Programme). It was a long journey with a lot of obstacles along the way but we finally did it! Yay! The destination was “To be kind and respectful” focusing on… I can see so much kindness in our classroom and it makes my heart happy! Well done! In Maths this week, the Year 1 students sat their end Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 11

    Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 10

    Hellooooooooo! Happy Halloween 🙂 What a great end to the week! The Halloween party was a great success and the children all had a fun time. The costumes were all amazing. They looked so good! The excitement levels were definitely rising in the classroom as the party came closer! Let’s take a look at what we got up to this week 🙂 In Maths, we studied the following objectives. I am pleased with the progress the students are making, the growth mindset they so often show me  and their little faces filled with enthusiasm! <3 Year 1 2.12 – Subtraction Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 10