HFS Newsletter – T1W2

Website and Newsletter Issues

We are experiencing some problems with the hosting service for the school website. We apologize for any inconvenience as we work to resolve this issue. Newsletters and Class Updates are currently being sent directly by Mr Green. If you need any information that is normally accessed from the website, please contact the Admin Office. School email addresses are not affected.

After School Activities

Please take a moment to check that students have been registered in the correct after school activities. If there are any issues, please contact the Admin Office as soon as possible.


Ice Hockey Club

In case there is any confusion, the price for Ice Hockey Club is 250,000 per month.

Kpop Dance

This activity needs a few more students to sign up if it is going to run. Kpop Dance is now available to students in Mrs Leah’s class. If not enough students join, this activity will be canceled. Parents will be informed whether the activity is going ahead by Monday evening.

If you are interested in Kpop Dance, please contact the Admin Office

Table Tennis

There is space available in the table tennis after school activity.  Table tennis will definitely go ahead as planned. 

If you are interested in Table Tennis, please contact the Admin Office

Bus Schedule for After School Activities

Please note the schedule for the bus that runs after after school activities.

Winter Show Date Change

The date for the Winter Show has been changed to Friday 13th December.

SKAIS Cross Country Date Change

The date for the SKAIC Cross Country Tournament has changed to Saturday 5th October. Further details to follow

PTA Movie Night and Sleepover

The PTA are organising a movie night and sleepover on Friday 20th September

After school until 8pm kids can stay to play and watch a movie, and we will serve dinner. After 8pm pickup, older kids can spend the night, to be picked up at 8am the following morning by parents. PTA will provide dinner (spaghetti or Mac-n-cheese, french fries, fruit, and drinks), snacks (popcorn/ice pops) and a small breakfast (bread/toast with butter and jam, fruit and milk, and boiled eggs). 

The sleepover option is available to students in Mrs Leah’s, Ms Temple’s classes only.

Costs are as follows: 

  • Movie and Sleepover and Meals: 40,000 won per child 
  • Movie and Sleepover no Meals 30,000 won per child
  • Movie and Dinner: 25,000won per child
  • Movie no Dinner: 20,000 won per child 

All money raised will go to fund PTA events such as Halloween and Christmas parties.

Mr Green will be helping to supervise the movie night and sleepover

Sign up Form

COVID Precautions

COVID-19 remains a concern. The following are the school’s guidelines to help ensure that everyone can stay safe and healthy:

  • Parents should make sure that their child’s temperature is below 37.5°, with no
  • symptoms such as coughing or diarrhoea before accompanying him/her to the bus stops or driving him/her to school.
  • Students who display symptoms are recommended to stay at home until they get well enough to return to school.
  • Students or staff who test positive for Covid-19 must stay at home until they recover
  • Parents whose child tests positive for Covid-19 must inform the school.
  • Students who show suspected Covid-19 symptoms such as high fever and cough are recommended to be picked up and taken to the hospital by their parents.
  • Students or staff who cough should wear masks.
  • Students are recommended to wash their hands often and thoroughly.
  • Classrooms will be ventilated regularly.

Upcoming Events

  • PTA Movie Night and Sleepover – Friday 20th September
  • SKAIC Primary School Football Tournament at ISB: Saturday, September 28th
  • SKAIC Cross Country Tournament at ISB: Saturday 5th October
  • School Consultative Group Meeting: Wednesday, October 23rd
  • PTA Halloween Party: Friday, October 25
  • SKAIC Middle School Football Tournament at ISB: Tuesday, November 12th
  • PTA Thrift Market: Friday, November 29
  • International Children’s Festival: Friday, November 15th
  • Winter Show: Friday, December 13th