Admission Criteria

Hyundai Foreign School (HFS) is an all-denominational “foreign school” with an open admission policy that admits students meeting eligibility requirements and criteria established by the Korea Ministry of Education.

No students will be refused admission on the grounds of race, religion, colour, national origin, ancestry, genetic information, sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

Eligible students can enrol at the school on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.

HFS abides by the provisions of the following laws and regulations of the Republic of Korea in admitting students:

  • Regulations on the Establishment and Operation of Foreign Schools and Foreign Kindergartens. (Articles 10 & 15)
  • Primary and Middle School Act (Article 60-2)

In accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations outlined above, students who meet any of the following criteria are eligible to enrol at HFS:

  • A student having one or more parents holding a nationality that is not South Korean as verified by an alien registration card and Korean family registry.
  • A student who has lived overseas for no less than 3 years (1,095 days) as verified by the “Entry and Exit Certificate” issued by the Korean immigration department. (The stay does not have to be consecutive 3 years.)
  • A student with 6 semesters (American schools) or 9 terms (British schools) of official report cards and a letter of attendance from an overseas school for 3 years.

Student Placement

  • Students are classified according to age based on the UK system (September 1st cutoff) and are placed into age-based classes
  • The School may place students in non-age-based classes if it is felt that this would better suit their educational needs
  • Parents may request that the school consider placing a student in a non-age-based class but the final decision remains with the school
  • All decisions relating to student placement are the responsibility of the Principal

Admission of Students with Special Educational Needs

  • The School will only enrol students with Special Educational Needs if it is felt that appropriate support can be provided to allow the student to benefit from the educational program on offer without affecting the quality of education provided to other students
  • The School requires Parents to provide complete and accurate information regarding a Student’s Special Educational Needs during the application process. 
  • The School will consider enrolling Students with Special Educational Needs for whom Parents provide additional support in the form of a self-funded Special Educational Needs Assistant
  • Special Educational Needs Assistants must be approved by the School and take part in all relevant Child Protection Training and Checks

English Language Requirements/Accepting Students with Low Levels of English

HFS has no English language proficiency requirements for admission and accepts students regardless of their English language level.

At our school the language of instruction is English and students are expected to use English at all times, both inside and outside the classroom.  We do however accept that a student’s home country’s language is an important part of their identity and students are not reprimanded for speaking their native language.

We often find that students joining with a low level of English proficiency can make amazing progress when exposed to English every day in the classroom and whilst playing with their classmates.

We are well used to welcoming students arriving from overseas with limited English proficiency and are experienced in helping these students to get the most out of their time in Korea. 

While we are happy to accept students with a low level of English proficiency we expect parents to have realistic expectations regarding the progress their children can make.  Some parts of the curriculum will be difficult for these students to access and initially, school life may be stressful.  The right attitude is very important.

HFS also provides extra support lessons with a dedicated EAL teacher to help students identified as needing extra assistance.

Continued Enrolment 

  • The School may terminate the enrolment of a Student if it is believed that they can no longer benefit from the educational program offered
  • The School may terminate a Student’s enrolment if it is determined that the Parents failed to provide complete and accurate information about a Student’s Special Educational Needs during the application process. 
  • The School may terminate the enrolment of a Student if behavioural issues that severely affect the education program or the safety of other students or members of the school community cannot be resolved.
  • The Principal shall have final authority on decisions regarding continued enrolment