
HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 10

Last Week of Term Welcome to the last week of term and the school year! Yearbooks Students who order yearbooks should receive their order sometime this week, in time for signing by their friends. If you missed the chance to order a yearbook, additional copies may be available from the Admin Office. No Clubs in the last week Please note that there are no after-school activities in the last week of the term. The bus schedule will be different and can be viewed here. Staffing for 2023/24 All staff appointments for 2023/24 have now been confirmed and can be announced: HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 10

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 9

Yearbook Orders Every year, we produce a yearbook as a way for students to remember their time at HFS. This year’s yearbook will feature photographs of all students and events that have taken place at school. There will also be a message from the teachers and space for students to sign each other’s books. The yearbook will be similar in format to last year’s yearbook. Yearbooks cost 28,000won and need to be ordered before Wednesday 19th June Yearbooks will be delivered on the last day of term, so students have the chance to sign each other’s books. Yearbook Order Form HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 9

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 8

End-of-year reports Most students will receive their end-of-year reports on Friday 14th June. Students in Ms McClellan’s class will receive their reports on Friday 21st June. Parent/Teacher Conferences You should receive details of arrangements for parent/teacher conferences from your class teacher this week. Teachers at HFS like to meet as many parents as possible and will accommodate most reasonable requests for meeting times that are convenient for parents Hyundai Art Center Concert Members of the HFS community are invited to a free “Concert of Harmony for International Residents in Dong-gu, Ulsan” being held on Saturday, 15 June at 7 pm HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 8

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 6

Residential trips The residential trips to Busan last week were a great sucesss. The student had an amazing time and showed tremendous bravery, responsibility, and confidence. Here are some great photos from each trip: More photos will be added so check again later. School Consultative Group Nominations are now closed for parent representatives for the School Consultative Group. On Monday, you may receive a voting paper for the election of parent representatives. If less than three parents have been nominated and confirmed their nomination, there will be no need for an election, and the nominated parents will join the group HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 6

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 5

School Consultative Group Nominations We have still not received any confirmed nominations for parents to join the School Consultative Group. It is important for the operation of this group that we get representation from as wide a range of the school community as possible. We have therefore decided to open nominations for one more week. The revised timeline is included below. If we are unable to form a quorate group, an open meeting will be held on the date outlined below to discuss how best to proceed. N.B – Some nominations have been received but not confirmed. Parents who have HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 5

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 4

Sports Day Sports Day is this Thursday! Here are some things to remember: Buddha’s Birthday Holiday Please remember that there is no school on Wednesday due to the Buddha’s Birthday holiday. After-School Activities in Week 6 Please note that there will be some disruption to after-school activities in week 6 due to the residential trips. The following club activities will be cancelled in week 6:  Ulsan Children’s Home Last Friday, representatives from HFS visited the Ulsan Children’s Home. We met with the team at the home and presented our donation purchased with the money raised by the readathon. Will also HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 4

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 3

Sports Day HFS Sports Day will be held on Thursday 16th May (next week) at the Ulsan College football field. The event will follow a similar schedule to last years sports day, with activities starting at 10am and finishing in the early afternoon. Students will enjoy a packed lunch at the pitch. Parents are very welcome to join us at this event. Further details to follow in the next newsletter. Buddha’s Birthday Holday Please remember that Wednesday 15th May (next week) is Buddha’s Birthday holiday. Returning Students Survey Thank you to everyone who has told us about their plans for HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 3

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 2

Read-a-Thon HFS students managed to raise an amazing ₩1,345,980 for our chosen charity by reading over 300 books during the Read-a-Thon. Well done, everyone. We will be making a trip soon to present our donation to a home for disadvantaged children in Ulsan. Residential Trips Thank you to everyone who came to the information meeting for for our upcoming residental meetings We now need to know who will be going Here is the slideshow from the meetings last Thursday – Link Here is the Sign-up Form to let us know who will be going on the trip – Link Payment HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 2

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 1

World Book Day World Book Day is on Tuesday. Students are invited to come to school dressed as a character from a favourite book. If you don’t want to dress up, that is ok. After-School Activities After-School Activities start in Week 2 Here is a list of those who have signed up for each activity. Please also remember to check the bus schedule. Student-led Activities Some students are organising student-led activities for their fellow students. Check out and sign-up for student-led activities on Fridays using this form Please sign-up before Monday so we can arrange the buses. Returning Students Survey HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 1

HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 1

Dates for Early Term 3 World Book Day HHI Community Credit Cooperative Charity Concert Our friends from HHI Community Credit Cooperative will be hosting a charity concert at school on Friday 26th April. At this event, their band will play and scholarships will be presented to worthy Korean students to attend Korean schools in the area. Prizes will also be awarded to HFS students who raised the most money through the Readathon. Parents will also be invited to attend and donate to the charity we are supporting. Parents are welcome to attend this event. Read-a-thon Don’t forget the Read-a-thon! Students HFS Newsletter – Term 3 – Week 1