Mrs Leah 2024/25

  • Mrs. Leah Class Update – Term 1, Week 4

    Another week down, and a five day little break for Chuseok! This week everyone worked very hard on completing their 5 paragraph essays. We planned, we rough drafted, we found quotes, we cited with MLA conventions, and finally we typed them up and submitted them! I was able to get through some making edits and suggestions, so some students started to rectify these issue. Others will receive their essays back next Thursday to make the final revisions. In all I am very pleased with the hard work and effort put into these essays! I will hold everyone to the standard Mrs. Leah Class Update – Term 1, Week 4

    Mrs. Leah Class Update – Term 1 – Week 3

    Week 3 finished! Here is a review of what we have done: In English students have been hard at work finishing their 1st drafts of their essays. We have had ample time to research and write, in addition to having lessons in inserting quotes into paragraphs, citing properly with MLA, and a review on plagiarism. Next week will be the last week to work on submissions; students are expected to adhere to the guidelines provided in a checklist, as well as the MLA citation and formatting guidelines, also provided in a checklist.  In maths, year 7’s are being introduced to Mrs. Leah Class Update – Term 1 – Week 3

    Mrs. Leah Term 1, Week 2 Class Update

    This week students went down to work on their essays by writing a clear and concise thesis statement and drafting an outline. Students were required to write as much detail about ideas and information as they could on their own before using the laptop to research further information. Many students started a rough draft to formulate their outlines into full sentences and body paragraphs. I am really impressed at the level of focus and work being put into this hour; I look forward to reading some fine essays in a few weeks!  In maths all year groups completed their first Mrs. Leah Term 1, Week 2 Class Update

    Term 1, Week 1

    We are off to a great start after this first full week back at school! This year students were each given a student planner in which we write what we learned, upcoming dates and events, homework, and any other notes as need. I ask students to share these planners each week with parents as a way to talk about their time in school, recall and explain what they have learned, and to keep families informed. Please sign the planner page each weekend for Monday the following week! In English we did some reading fluency assessments then jumped into our first Term 1, Week 1

    HD Hyundai Cultural Exchange Programme

    HD Hyundai is sponsoring a cultural exchange programme for our students. This is an opportunity for our students to make friends with a specially selected group of Korean students and take part in a range of fun activities together. This is also a great way for our students to develop confidence, leadership, and an international mindset. Events: Please note that: If you have any questions about this programme, please contact Mr Green To sign up, please complete the form below by Sunday 24th August Sign-up Form

    Curriculum Orientation

    Wednesday, August 28th (Week 2) at 3:30pm Mrs. Leah will host a curriculum overview session. We will go over our classroom, what we will be learning this year, our materials, and how the class will be organized. Attendance is optional, but we would be happy to see you there! Mrs. Leah

    Term 1, Week 0

    What a great first day of the 2024-2025 school year! Today we spent our time talking about our summer vacations, going over the rules and expectations of the classroom and HFS, and doing some logistical stuff to get the classroom and our new laptops set up. We did a bit of brain work by taking a math diagnostic to see where we are after a month and and a half off – and I was super happy with the results! After the school wide assembly we did a creative, relaxing activity of making a square that represents our unique selves Term 1, Week 0

    Welcome Back to School 7/8/9!

    I hope everyone had a great and relaxing (or maybe adventurous) summer! I am excited to see every one on Friday and get started on another year of great learning. This year PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays, so be sure to wear activity appropriate shoes and clothing those days. If you are inclined to play football or other intense sporting activities at break times, a change of shirt may be a good idea as it is still very hot and you may get very sweaty. Please be sure to bring a water bottle, and your snack and lunch Welcome Back to School 7/8/9!