Mrs. Leah Week 8, Term 1

This week we kept busy;

In English we looked at the definition of satire and and how humor can convey strong opinions and perspectives of people and events. Students looked up satirical news sites and apps online and discussed how the truth is revealed in the absurd. We watched a series of satirical commercials and then storyboarded own own advertisements incorporating satirical elements; everyone was really engaged and showed some creative work in that activity! Finally, we read two extracts from Johnathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and compared the absurd events to what was happening in Swift’s time and how he was making commentary through satire.

This week for the English homework project, we went over the expectations as the directions are a bit vague. Per request, I linked those slides to the Google classroom under materials if needed for reference.

In math we a chugging through our units; students should complete the math homework over the weekend as it is a review of the steps we have covered in class and we move on the following week. However, I will still accept it by Friday.

In Science we finished our science unit, and despite ample reminding to study notes and practice with the homework, many students did not do well. This was a short answer/multiple choice quiz, but everything was directly taken from a lesson slide or a worksheet we did in class. We will transition to our history unit next week, so I will continue to remind and work with students on the concept that learning is an active and not a passive event; they must take notes, ask questions, and prepare!

In Design and Technology we started out next collaborative project on the Future of Transportation. Students spent this week brainstorming the issues with modern transport such as pollution, traffic, accessibility, etc. Then, they did some research to identify issues others have analyzed in more detail and write up a 200 word summary of what the main issues are. Then, they posted their write up and their research links to Padlet. Next week they will come up with solutions to these issues and find innovative ideas currently being applied to such problems.

I sent a lot of marked homework and math work in the homework folder, please take it out before returning the folder with new homework!

Otherwise, it felt like a short week with Wednesday off!

Please take care, illness is going around (I know it’s already got me this week!) so stay warm, take your vitamins, and see you on Monday!

Mrs. Leah