Mrs Leah

Mrs. Leah Week 9, Term 1

We made it through a full week! No red days in sight… Next week is also exciting as we have the PTA Halloween Part on Friday afternoon as well a mask competition. All students were given a blank paper plate with a strap; it’s up to students to let their creativity shine! Please bring them back by next Friday. In English we spent some time with Percy Shelley’s Ozymandias poem. Students annotated the poem, identified it’s parts, identified words denoting the contrast of power and weakness, and discussed the themes and messages. Then, they made poster with their interpretation of Mrs. Leah Week 9, Term 1

Mrs. Leah Week 8, Term 1

This week we kept busy; In English we looked at the definition of satire and and how humor can convey strong opinions and perspectives of people and events. Students looked up satirical news sites and apps online and discussed how the truth is revealed in the absurd. We watched a series of satirical commercials and then storyboarded own own advertisements incorporating satirical elements; everyone was really engaged and showed some creative work in that activity! Finally, we read two extracts from Johnathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels and compared the absurd events to what was happening in Swift’s time and how he Mrs. Leah Week 8, Term 1

Mrs. Leah Term 1, Week 7

A weird week as week had Tuesday and Thursday off, but productive nontheless! In English we looked at extracts from Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. We discussed the context of the era, emerging science, and the connection of the story to the Prometheus myth. Students created their own monsters with the parts of various people and justified why they would choose those parts. They wrote a short paragraph on the events and reactions of bringing their own monsters to life. Then, they reviewed some vocabulary and looked at how the author created the mood and atmosphere in the original text. Finally, they Mrs. Leah Term 1, Week 7

Mrs. Leah Term 1, Week 6

Happy Friday! Notice: A great number of students are not turning their work in. Many times we start an activity in class, and finishing that activity is assigned as homework. These written activities are typically based on class notes and handouts kept in subject notebooks. The assignment is written on the board and expected to be turned in by Friday of that week. Daily verbal reminders are given referencing the assignments on the board, and encouragement to write reminders in student planners are frequently made. Yet, many students fail to turn in their work by Friday, or they turn in Mrs. Leah Term 1, Week 6

Mrs. Leah – Term 1, Week 5

Short and sweet two day week! We did some last minute revisions on our essays and some research on time periods before 1914 for our literature survey starting next week. Students received a 5 week homework project to start; everyone has an author to research and this week will need to find some biographical information on that writer. The is a template to help guide the information, as well as MLA citation templates to help cite sources! In math we finished our units and took the test; so there is no math homework this weekend, whoo-hoo! Students have taken home Mrs. Leah – Term 1, Week 5

Mrs. Leah Class Update – Term 1, Week 4

Another week down, and a five day little break for Chuseok! This week everyone worked very hard on completing their 5 paragraph essays. We planned, we rough drafted, we found quotes, we cited with MLA conventions, and finally we typed them up and submitted them! I was able to get through some making edits and suggestions, so some students started to rectify these issue. Others will receive their essays back next Thursday to make the final revisions. In all I am very pleased with the hard work and effort put into these essays! I will hold everyone to the standard Mrs. Leah Class Update – Term 1, Week 4

Term 1, Week 1

We are off to a great start after this first full week back at school! This year students were each given a student planner in which we write what we learned, upcoming dates and events, homework, and any other notes as need. I ask students to share these planners each week with parents as a way to talk about their time in school, recall and explain what they have learned, and to keep families informed. Please sign the planner page each weekend for Monday the following week! In English we did some reading fluency assessments then jumped into our first Term 1, Week 1

Curriculum Orientation

Wednesday, August 28th (Week 2) at 3:30pm Mrs. Leah will host a curriculum overview session. We will go over our classroom, what we will be learning this year, our materials, and how the class will be organized. Attendance is optional, but we would be happy to see you there! Mrs. Leah

Term 1, Week 0

What a great first day of the 2024-2025 school year! Today we spent our time talking about our summer vacations, going over the rules and expectations of the classroom and HFS, and doing some logistical stuff to get the classroom and our new laptops set up. We did a bit of brain work by taking a math diagnostic to see where we are after a month and and a half off – and I was super happy with the results! After the school wide assembly we did a creative, relaxing activity of making a square that represents our unique selves Term 1, Week 0

Welcome Back to School 7/8/9!

I hope everyone had a great and relaxing (or maybe adventurous) summer! I am excited to see every one on Friday and get started on another year of great learning. This year PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays, so be sure to wear activity appropriate shoes and clothing those days. If you are inclined to play football or other intense sporting activities at break times, a change of shirt may be a good idea as it is still very hot and you may get very sweaty. Please be sure to bring a water bottle, and your snack and lunch Welcome Back to School 7/8/9!