Welcome to Year 1/2 with Mrs.Sim

Dear Year 1/2 Parents,

I am so so excited to be your child’s teacher and start a wonderful year of learning.

To my OLD and NEW Students

We will spend the first few weeks helping you settle in and making sure you all have lots of friends. My only expectations are that you are kind to others and try your best. There is no need to feel scared about the work being too tricky or making mistakes. We all make them, even the teachers! We believe that mistakes are a good thing in Year 1/2 as they show us what we need to learn next and help us find different ways to learn new things.

Please make sure that you arrive at school each day with the following things:

  1. A well rested body (sleep well) and a full tummy (eat breakfast)
  2. A refillable water bottle with your name on it
  3. A backpack to carry your lunch box and water bottle 
  4. Lunch and a morning snack (please put your snacks in a small pouch).

On Tuesday and Friday we have P.E. On these days please make sure to wear the HFS grey P.E t-shirt, comfortable trousers and of course some trainers to help you run fast! (No P.E. first day back).

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything before starting please feel free to email me at leighemmasim@hyundaiforeignschool.com.

See you all on Friday 🙂

Mrs. Sim <3

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