Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 3

Dear Parents,

I am writing to you feeling very proud of the students after a wonderful presentation at the assembly! We showed the whole school our great dancing and singing and taught them all about the parts of the brain! They did such a great job! Well done Year 1/2.

Let’s take a look at what we have been learning this week 🤩

In Maths we have covered the following objectives:

Year 1

1.4 – Represent objects

1.5 – Recognise numbers as words

1.6 – Count on from any number

1.7 – 1 more

1.8 – Count backwards within 10

Year 2

1.4 – Use a place value chart

1.5 – Partition numbers to 100

1.6 – Write numbers to 100 in words

1.7 – Flexibly partition numbers to 100

The students are becoming more comfortable with our rotation transitions and have been working hard in our small groups. We will be reviewing partition numbers to 100 in Year 2 next week as this was a little tricky.

In Literacy, we are now halfway through our story ‘Lost and Found’ (much to the students’ disappointment as they want to keep reading and reading ;)). This week we went on a hunt to find facts about penguins! They were hidden around the school and the students had fun trying to find them all. After gathering them all, we made a fact file about penguins. 

The Year 1 students are becoming more confident writing simple sentences while the Year 2 students are being challenged to use expanded noun phrases in their writing. 

In IPC, we finished off our unit Brainwave with our wonderful performance and presentation on the brain. The children learned about the brain using our wonderful friend animals to help us. We spoke about the importance of calming the guard dog (amygdala) when our emotions get a little bit difficult. We also made our fantastic brains, where we painting the neurons and made little bubbles showing what our brain controls.

In P.E we continued with our Adventure Games unit focusing on working in partners. We played follow the leader, practised throwing and catching and enjoyed a game called ‘The Octopus’. We are working on our spatial awareness and also our emotions when we are playing whole class games. I want the children to enjoy the P.E. lessons and to know that they are only games. We cannot win everytime and the lessons are to improve specific skills. This is something that will take some time. 

Please not that small speed sound books have not been sent home yet for some groups as the students have been reviewing set 1 digraphs (special friends) this week. Some children will have a phonics book in their bag to practise what they have done in class. If there is no book, it is because your child has been reviewing sounds 🙂

Homework and Library books went home today. Thank you for all your effort recording your child’s sleep and food. If you haven’t sent it to school yet please do so on Monday. It will be great for our review lesson on Monday.

That’s all for this week!