Ho Ho Hello Parents! Christmas is just around the corner and everyone is definitely getting in to the Christmas spirit now! 🙂
Christmas Show
We have been very busy practising our dancing this week and the children are super excited to show you their great performance!
The dresses arrived and have been sent home with the students today. I have bought small reindeer clips for the girls and headbands for the boys to wear at the Christmas Show. I will keep them in the classroom so that we don’t have anyone forgetting them on the day. Kano’s mum and Elena’s mum will be helping me with hair and getting the students ready for the show on the day-thank you!
May I ask that girls wear black leggings/tights under the dress and boys to wear blue jeans with their t-shirts?
I am really looking forward to seeing you all there 🙂
Our timetable has been a little different this week due to fitting in rehearsals but still lots of learning and fun has been happening. The students have been very excited by the mysterious letters the elf keeps leaving us each morning! Santa sent him on a trip around the world. Today he was in Japan on top of Mount Fuji 🤭🤭🤭
In Maths, Year 1 students have been enjoying some Christmas themed tuff trays, where Santa Claus made an appearance and the Christmas tree lost its addition baubles! We have reviewed addition, subtraction, greater than and less than and number sentences.
Year 2 students have continued working on adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers and yesterday started comparing numbers using greater than and less than symbols ><. Today we finished the week off trying to solve some missing number problems.
Aut.2.18 – Subtract two 2-digit numbers (across a 10) |
Aut.2.19 – Mixed addition and subtraction |
Aut.2.20 – Compare number sentences |
Aut.2.21 – Missing number problems |
In Literacy, the students all became London tour guides and had a lot of fun creating their own tours around London. They had to decide on three places to take their tourists and prepare a piece of writing which had to include facts about each place. We will be practising them more next week and will perform them to the class.
In IPC, we took a look at the history of Korean thanksgiving and made posters about why it is celebrated. The children presented their work to the class in groups and explained why and how it is celebrated.
We then moved on to making a timeline using images and photographs showing the history and development of flight.
We looked at:
Montgolfier’s hot air balloon (1783)
Henri Giffard’s airship (1852)
Wright brothers’ bi-plane (1903)
First World War fighter plane (1914-18)
Heinkel HE178 jet plane (1939)
Comet jet airliner (1940s)
Concorde (1976)
Double-decker airbus (2007)
The dates were a little tricky but we managed to arrange the pictures and write the dates under the correct pictures.
Phonics Books
This week, assessments took place from Tuesday to Thursday and I was very pleased with the progress all of the students have made.
As we approach the end of term, we will engage in an intensive sound workshop from now until the end of break. Lots of reviewing will take place. As such, no books will be sent home until next term. If you do have any remaining books at home please send them next week so we can arrange them all for next term.
Christmas Show
The Christmas show will start at 2pm next Friday the 13th December. Please arrive for 1:45pm to make sure you get a seat and are settled before the show starts. There is a single bus running at 4:30pm but I assume most students will be going home with mum and dad after the show. Please do let me know if your child needs to take the bus home afterwards.
We sadly, have 3 students leaving us next Friday so we will be having a little goodbye party in class to wish them well. The students will be kindly given a cupcake and a juice from the parents. I hope they all enjoy and cherish the memory.
Wising you all a wonderful weekend. It would be great if you could ask your students to show you thier dance moves to get a little more practice in 🙂
Take care and see you all next week at the show!
Mrs. Sim