Dear Parents,
I hope you are all well, having a wonderful week and looking forward to the Seollnal celebrations.
Let’s take a look at what we have been learning this week!
In Maths this week both the Y1 students and the Y2 students sat their end of unit assessments and they all did very well. I have sent the results home for you to see. I was very proud of them for doing so well.
Year 1
Use a number line to 20 |
Estimate on a number line to 20 |
Compare numbers to 20 |
Order numbers to 20 |
Assessment |
Year 2
Two-problems (Money) |
Assessment |
Recognise equal groups(week 3-6) |
Make equal groups |
In Literacy this week we continued reading “The Lion Inside” and looked at the different animal characters. We used masks to pretend that we were the animals and shared our thoughts of the mean Lion Character. The students had to write their opinions of the Lion from the point of view of the characters. We then zoomed in on our quiet mouse character and looked at what he needs to do to become braver! I am very pleased with the students’ overall performance in writing. Each week, they are writing more and more and it is lovely to see.
In Phonics, the students contine to work hard in their small groups. Phonics books have been sent home today along with library books.
*Please note, there is no homework this week. Enjoy some family time together.
We have now completed our unit ‘Push Me, Pull You’ and I am really quite sad it has come to an end. It has been endless amounts of fun experiements and investigations. This week, we experimented to see if air can push too! The children loved the Malteser Chocolate Ball/Straw activity where they had to try and blow the ball all the way to the wall. Then afterwards, they had to try and pull it up with the air from their straw and drop it in to their cup. We also used boats in water to see if the children could blow them from one side to the other. Lots of fun was had by all!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mid Year reports will be sent home on the 7th February and Parent Teacher Conferences will be held in Week 5 (Week beginning 10th February). Please sign up to make an appointment with me to discuss your child’s progress. It is a lovely opportunity to meet and ask any questions you may have.
I hope you all have a lovely Seollnal vacation and I will see you all back in school on Monday 3rd February.
Take Care,
Mrs. Sim 🤩
Happy Seollnal! 🙂 Wishing you all the happiness, love and laughter in 2025!