Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 4

Hello and Happy Friday! 

What a cold week it has been! Time has flown by and that can only mean one thing-time flies when you are having fun 🙂

I would like to start this update by letting you all know about a lovely moment I had with the students this week. We have a new student joining us in 2 weeks time and he came to visit us for a morning. Every single student made me so proud with their kindness and help. They were showing him where to go, helping him at break and making him feel so welcome. It was so great to see! 

Report Cards

Report cards have been sent home today and I look forward to meeting you all next week to discuss your child’s school life and answer any questions or concerns you may have. I must let you know that I talk too much and really need to try and stay on schedule 🙂 Haha! You will see there is a sign up outside my door with a list of appointments. If I am still in a meeting when you arrive please have a seat on the red sofas and I will be with you as soon as I can 🙂I will see you all then 🙂

Let’s take a look at what we have been learning this week!


Year 1 Objectives

Spr.2.1 – Add by counting on within 20
Spr.2.2 – Add ones using number bonds
Spr.2.3 – Find and make number bonds to 20
Spr.2.4 – Doubles
Spr.2.5 – Near doubles

Year 2 Objectives

Spr.2.3 – Add equal groups
Spr.2.4 – Introduce the multiplication symbol
Spr.2.5 – Multiplication sentences
Spr.2.6 – Use arrays
Spr.2.7 – Make equal groups – grouping


This week in Literacy we finished our story “The Lion Inside”. We looked at how brave the mouse was and wrote about what he should tell himself when he feels scared. The students wrote very heartwarming sentences “I should believe in myself”, “I should be confident and trust myself” and “I am brave!”. We then looked at the lion and mouse’s friendship and wrote a diary entry showing how happy they were to have made friends with each other. The students enjoyed taking part in a role play to help them with ideas for their writing. We focused on using past tense verbs and using connectives such as ‘and’ because’ and ‘then’. The students writing has really improved and I love watching them grow. 


In IPC, we learned all about static electricity and took part in lots of explorative activities. The children had a lot of fun making their hair stand up, sticking balloons to the wall and testing materials. We discovered that plastic materials work best at attracting static electricity. 

 It looks like it is going to be a great unit! Thank you for sending in the toys, we had a great lesson looking at them all and presenting them to the class.