Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 7

It’s Friday!

Hello everyone! Happy Friday to you all.

I hope you have all had a nice week.

We have had a very busy week in Year 1/2 with lots of great learning going on.

 On Monday,  we started our new Story “The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth” in Literacy. We found some rocks and had to find out what was inside them! The children used tools to crack the rock and find out what was inside. They were very excited to find there were dinosaurs inside! We then had a little fun trying to find pieces of a jigsaw that were hidden around the classroom. We put the puzzle together and discovered a big mammoth! It was a nice introduction to the story and the children are eager to read more each day. 

Throughout this unit, the children will be working on the following objectives.

The Curious Case of the Missing Mammoth by Ellie Hattie

Outcome Recount: write a letter to a historical figure

Year 1:

  • Join words and clauses using and
  •   Punctuate sentences using a capital letter and a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark 
  •  Add suffixes where no change is needed to the root of the word e.g. -ed,  -ing, -er, -est 

Year 2:

  • Use present and past tenses correctly and consistently  
  • Use the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense 
  • Use subordination (apply because, when; introduce that) 
  • Use punctuation correctly – apostrophes for the possessive (singular) 

In Maths this week we have covered the following objectives. 

The Year 2 students sat their unit assessment. They all did very well. We are now moving on to our unit on length and height next week. I am sure it will be a lot of fun measuring items around the class. Year 1 students have continued working on their “Place Value” unit.

Year 1 Maths Objectives

Spr.3.3 – Count by making groups of tens
Spr.3.4 – Groups of tens and ones
Spr.3.5 – Partition into tens and ones
Spr.3.6 – The number line to 50

Year 2 Maths Objectives

Spr.2.17 – The 5 and 10 times-tables
Spr.3.1 – Measure in centimetres
Spr.3.2 – Measure in metres

In IPC, we started our new unit  “Creators and Communicators”. We explored the meaning of ‘Create’ and ‘Communicate’ and made posters showing the different ways we can create art and communicate with others. We also took a look at what it means to be a good digital citizen. We spoke about keeping safe online and being respectful and responsible. The students made some lovely posters showing their learning.

Trainee Teacher Joining our class

On March 10th we will welcome Mrs. Yun to our classroom. Mrs. Yun is a trainee teacher from Canada who will be doing a 4 week placement with myself. I will still be in the class as usual but Mrs. Yun will be teaching with me as part of her course. I am excited to welcome her here and it will be lovely to have 3 teachers in the class to support the children even more.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday! Please remember that there is no school on Monday due to the public holiday 🙂 I hope you all do something nice 🙂

Take care,

Mrs. Sim