What a lovely end to the week! Happy International Day to everyone! It was a great day filled with lots of amazing food and exposure to different cultures. Thank you to all who helped make it such an enjoyable experience. We appreciate your efforts and kindness <3
Busan Science Museum Field Trip
We will be taking a trip to the Busan Science Museum on Wednesday 19th March. The school will contribute 10,000 won to this trip and the children will be asked to pay 3,500 won to cover the costs of the additional activities. Please send the 3,500 won in an envelope (with your child’s name on it) by next Friday 14th March. We will participating in the museum-led activities in the morning and will be exploring the childrens’ museum after lunch. On this day, students should bring the following:
- Water Bottle
- Packed lunch that does not need to be microwaved
- A morning snack (Something that isn’t too messy 🙂
- Wear the school polo shirt and/or the HFS hoodie
- Comfortable clothing
We will leave 9am sharp so please make sure to arrive by 8:50 am if you drop your child off at school in the morning. Here is the permission slip for the trip. If you could fill it in by next Friday 14th March, that would be wonderful! Thank you so much!
Learning this week
It’s been a short week with the holiday on Monday and the International Day events today, but we’ve still managed to cover a lot of exciting learning!
In Literacy, we’ve really been getting into our story, The Mysterious Case of the Missing Mammoth. It’s such an exciting one! This week, we focused on using past tense (-ed for Year 1) and the progressive form of verbs in both the present and past tense (Year 2). We wrote letters, described settings, and imagined what the characters might say to each other. I’m always so impressed with the progress the children are making in their writing!
In Maths, both Year 1 and Year 2 completed their end-of-unit assessments today. I’ll be sending these home next week for you to take a look at. Year 1 will be moving on to length and height next week, and Year 2 will begin learning about mass, capacity, and temperature. We only have two weeks left of Term 2, so we’re definitely going to stay busy!
In IPC, we’ve been learning about different ways we can communicate and create. The children made their very own avatars, which are now proudly displayed outside the classroom. They look so cute! We discussed how it’s safer to use an avatar instead of a real picture online. We also looked at the advantages and disadvantages of YouTube and had a fun discussion about what the children would like to communicate with the world. My example was, of course, about how to be kind! 😊

Finally, we created our very own internet traffic lights and talked about which websites would go under green, yellow, and red. The children did a wonderful job sticking their post-its with their ideas, and the finished result turned out beautifully!

In Phonics, the students were assessed again recently to ensure they are working at the appropriate level for their progress. As a result, your child may have moved up a colour group based on their test results. This helps us make sure they are being challenged appropriately while still receiving the support they need.
Please be reminded to check Mr Green’s Weekly Newsletter, as well as my own each week 🙂. The links are sent out each weekend, however they can also be accessed directly from the HFS Website.
Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!
Take care,
Mrs. Sim