Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 2 Week 9

Happy Friday! Happy White Day! And a very Happy Birthday to Mrs. Sim!

Dear Parents,

I hope you are well and enjoying the lovely weather this week.

As we approach the end of Term 2, there is only one week left, and it is filled with exciting learning opportunities.

Busan Science Museum Field Trip

On Wednesday, March 19th, we will be heading to the Busan Science Museum for an exciting field trip. Please ensure that your child brings the following:

  • A water bottle
  • A packed lunch (that does not require microwaving)
  • A morning snack (something that isn’t too messy 🙂)
  • The school polo shirt and/or the HFS hoodie
  • Comfortable clothing

We will be leaving at 9:00 am sharp, so please make sure to have your child at school by 8:50 am if you are dropping them off in the morning. If you have not yet submitted the permission slip, please do so as soon as possible (there are still 4 students who have yet to submit theirs).


This week, we have focused on the following objectives:

Year 1:

  • Spr.4.1 – Compare lengths and heights
  • Spr.4.2 – Measure length using objects
  • Spr.4.3 – Measure length in centimetres
  • Assessment: Spr.5.1 – Heavier and lighter

Year 2:

  • Spr.4.1 – Compare mass
  • Spr.4.2 – Measure in grams
  • Spr.4.3 – Measure in kilograms
  • Spr.4.4 – Four operations with mass
  • Spr.4.5 – Compare volume and capacity

Maths Workbooks

You may notice that when your child brings home their completed maths workbook, some sections may not be filled out. This is because I use a variety of teaching methods, including whiteboards, manipulatives, and tuff trays, which allow for hands-on learning. I believe that children benefit from different approaches to solidify their understanding, so I sometimes prioritize these activities over completing workbook pages.


In Literacy this week, we had great fun role-playing the story with handmade hats to represent the characters. This helped the students practice using expression in their voices while learning about exclamation marks and question marks.

We also wrote diary entries describing everything the characters saw at the museum, focusing on past tense, progressive verbs, correct punctuation, and neat handwriting.

To finish off the week, we created speech bubbles for the characters and wrote questions and expressions in them. This exercise was a fun way to reinforce the correct use of exclamation marks and question marks.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum)

In IPC, we began by exploring green screens and creating weather reports, which the children really enjoyed. I hope you enjoyed watching their creative work!

We then moved on to a music lesson where we explored how different instruments can evoke different emotions. It was a lively session full of sound, laughter, and excitement!

We also took a look at how people communicated in the past. As part of their homework, your child has a small booklet to interview you at home. An explanation sheet is attached to guide you through the questions. Please complete the booklet with your child and return it next week along with their homework.

To wrap up the week, we discussed modern communication methods such as emojis, AI, translators, and sign language. We examined the advantages and disadvantages of each and had fun drawing our favorite method of communication.

Thank you for all the birthday love I received today. I had a great day with the students. We finished off the day with some delicious cake and it was so good!

It’s been a wonderful week, and I’m looking forward to another exciting week ahead!

Warm regards,
Mrs. Sim