Mrs. Sim – Weekly Update Term 1 Week 8

Hello and Happy Friyay!

I hope you are all well and enjoying the Autumn weather. We have had a very exciting week in Year 1/2!

In Maths, we are enjoying our new unit “Addition and Subtraction” and have been using a lot of manipulatives to help us learn. The tuff trays are always made to reinforce the objective they have learned with me first. The children enjoy the hands on activities and have had fun this week using counters and rainbows to help them.🙂

We worked on the following objectives:

Year 1

2.4 – Fact families – addition facts
2.5 – Number bonds within 10
2.6 – Systematic number bonds within 10
.2.7 – Number bonds to 10

Year 2

On Monday the Year 2 students sat their end of unit test on Place Value and I was very happy and proud with all of their results. Well done! 

Fact Families can be a little tricky at first so we will be reviewing this objective again next week.

2.1 – Bonds to 10
2.2 – Fact families – addition and subtraction bonds within 20

In Literacy, the students have been blowing me away this week with their effort. We are now working on writing our own stories using the characters we created. We made a plan to sequence the events in the story and thought about how we can replace the penguin from our class story with our own character and replace the “Freddie” the main character with ourselves. The students were given a little book to try and create their own sentences to go along with new pictures they had drawn. As formative assessment I asked the children to complete this piece of work independently. This allowed me to see if they are meeting the objectives from the unit.

Year 1’s objectives focus on using Capital Letters, Full stops and finger spaces. Along with using their “Freddie Fingers” to help them spell. Year 2’s objectives are the same along with using expanded noun phrases, connectives and correct punctuation. I was most impressed with the work they produced and we will continue to work on them next week. I can’t wait to see the final masterpieces!

In IPC this week we have been little scientists carrying out experiments! Lots of fun! On Monday, we put our sense of smell to the test by having little secret cups with various foods inside. Coffee seemed to be the easiest one for the children to recognise. Perhaps mum and dad like coffee 😁 We used a table to record our guess before revealing what was inside.

We also learned about the nerves in our hands and made some beautiful art pieces to show where the nerves were located. 

On Thursday we took a look at which animals have the best sense of smell! Polar bears won with elephants coming in a close second! The children had fun making little posters with pictures of the animals and writing the distance at which they can smell from. 

To top off the week, we carried out  a tasting experiment today and the children were soooo excited for this one. They asked me about 10 times when it was time for “Jelly Beans”. Haha! We blindfolded the students and tested to see if they knew which flavour each was. As little scientists, we must record our work so the children gathered their answers on a table. Next week we will talk about why some of the tastes were unrecognizable.

I am working on teamwork with the students in P.E and encouraging the children to think of P.E. as a fun activity that we do together. There is a lot of sadness when children aren’t winning or when they are tagged. We spent time today discussing that the games we play are not at all about winning but rather they teach us new skills and help us work together 🥰 


Next week I will be carrying out phonics tests with the students. This allows me to ensure that every child is in the appropriate group for their level. 

Please enjoy the pictures from this week.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Mrs. Sim