Ms. M’s Class Update Term 1 Week 1

We had a very tiny class this week but we made it work.

We made All About Me posters and Initial Sound Name Posters in IEYC. We also had an amazing Entry Point where we found a suitcase! Whose could it be? We also found 4 passports. Could one of those people be the owner of the mystery suitcase. Since we’re great detectives, we discovered the suitcase belonged to Jack Jones, a 34 year old man from the USA. We also determined he must have been travelling to China!

We did our phonics testing in order to start our whole school phonics initiative on the 26th and during our phonics time we reviewed sounds we learned last year to get ready for our phonics lesson.

In Maths we looked at matching and making sets. A very important foundation skill to later maths learning.

And, of course, we had playtime and just plenty of time getting to know each other.

There is no homework this week.

Please remember there is a curriculum meeting on Tuesday the 27th and 11:30am. I look forward to seeing you there!

What a wonderful first week. It’s just going to keep getting better!

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