Well that was a short week! It was so lovely to see the children’s smiling faces all through school as they returned from their holiday.
As part of our Healthy Habits unit, our homework this week is to check and feel your heart beating through different exercises. If you don’t want to do the ones suggested in the homework pack, it’s OK! You can choose some of your own exercises.
Speaking of feeling our hearts beat, that’s what we studied in IEYC the last couple of days. We did exercises and felt our hearts. We tried to take our pulse on our necks with limited success. We used a toilet paper tube as a stethoscope and listened to each others’ hearts when they were beating heavily and we played the drums like a heart beat. This morning before the rain started we were able to get out to the water table with some red food colouring in water and use a pipette to understand how the heart pumps blood all through our bodies!
On Monday we have a special guest coming to talk to us about our teeth! How exciting!
In Literacy we’re still all about that Gingerbread Man. We made life-size gingerbread models and decorated them. The weather didn’t cooperate today for some outdoor roleplay but things are looking better for Monday!
In Maths we continued to study capacity in a much dryer context than last week. We used unfix cubes in measuring cups and tried to see which would hold the most or if two containers that Ms. M knew were of equal capacity but were different shapes could hold the same amount. That proved surprising for some of the students.
In Phonics we looked at the letter “o”. We’re trying our best to work on blending words orally. So if Ms. M says the sounds of “h-o-t” we’ve got to try to figure out that she’s sounding out the word “hot”. That’s going to take a little bit of practice. Our friend Fred Frog is an expert at this so he’ll help us!
Mrs. Sim, our phonics guru, has made a document explaining how we teach phonics. I will email it directly to you all. We are currently working on Set 1 Speed Sounds and the information on “Fred Talk” will also be helpful. I hope you take the time to read the document and use it to ask any questions you may have about how to help your child with learning phonics.
That’s it for this week! Short and Sweet! Stay dry this weekend and if you haven’t emailed me pictures of your Chuseok holiday, please do so!