Ms M’s Class Term 1 Week 7 Update

It was a short week but one filled with great learning.

Just a note: we will be going to visit our sister kindergarten Happy Boat on Monday morning. There is nothing special that needs to be prepared for that.

We started to implement our feelings board and various calm strategies like our calm bottles. The children requested that we make one to go home as, and I quote, “I feel mad at home too, Ms. M”.

To use the calm bottle, when your child is feeling a big feeling they may need to center and ground themselves they can shake the bottle as vigorously as their feeling is strong. Then they can watch the sequins and sparkles calm down in the water. This meditative act should help them to calm their feelings.

We’re approaching the end of our Gingerbread Man literacy unit and we’ve begun making sure we can reach our objectives. The one we worked on this week was labelling a drawing. We recieved a letter from Mr. and Mrs. Baker who made the gingerbread man that they would like to debut a new cake in their shop. Our job was to design and label it. I’m pleased with the job the children did.

In Maths we’re looking at the numbers 1, 2, and 3. This may seem very simple but having a firm understanding of these numbers will create a strong foundation for the maths we do as the year progresses.

That’s it for this week. We’ll see you on a very rainy Monday!