Ms M’s Class Term 2 Week 1 Update

Well here we are back in class! We’re smaller than usual as we wait for everyone to get back from vacation but that doesn’t mean the learning isn’t happening.

In Phonics we’re having 1:1 lessons reviewing our Set 1 letter sounds (this week was M, A, S) and practicing our hand writing.

In Maths we’re learning about 4-sided shapes. We looked at how we can put squares and rectangles together to make bigger squares or rectangles. We also looked for those 4-sided shapes in a photo walk around school!

In Literacy we began our new book The Naughty Bus. We found a present (it was a London double decker bus!) and wrote an account of trips we may have taken on busses. I know this is less common in our school to take the bus around town but if you get the opportunity to ride the bus with your child, please do so. It’s a great formative experience and will really help cement the learning in this unit.

That’s it for this week. However, here are some highlights of the last 2 weeks of last term which didn’t get their own update.