It is with a heavy heart that we say goodbye to Maddie this week and a cheerful welcome back to Yeseo. What a change in our class dynamic this will be.
We continued on our To the Rescue unit this week in IEYC with The Mighty Freeze stealing our Rama and Sita story and posting it all out of order around the school for us to find and put back in order.
Phonics saw more letter sounds and sounding out words as well as letter formation.
We wrote some of our first words using stamps in Literacy as we talked about who would be waiting for the Naughty Bus. I wonder what happens next.
In Maths we continued looking at the number 5 especially in terms of One More and One Less.
And that’s about it for this week. Just a short update before the holiday. Have a great holiday to those coming back and safe travels to those leaving us for good. You will be missed.