Ms M’s Class Term 2 Week 6

Well on Monday we finally tracked down the ice queen!! That Mighty Freeze who was setting us so many challenges this term was really Ms Yuli! And she’s not a villian! She’s a hero who was training us. But don’t tell anyone, it’s her secret identity!

Then on Tuesday we got a message from a Famous Robot Scientist! He left us clues all around the school to try to find his robot he created for us. He’s been sending us messages and new robots all week. He sent us a shape robot but forgot to put in the hole for the octogon so Ms. M had to fix that up! We also looked at our own robot type toys and put new buttons on our robot we found on Tuesday. That robot scientist is pretty forgetful!

In Literacy we finished up our book Naughty Bus by doing an excellent recall/retell set of activities. But before that we made sentences and used our phonics knowledge to help us read lots of words and write lots of our retell.

Speaking of Phonics, our Red Words this week are “I” and “me”. We did a lot of practice reading words and still read one of our Ditty pages.

In Maths we started looking at the numbers 6, 7, 8. We studied how to represent them and also how to add one more to numbers up to 8!

We really had a fun-filled week. On top of all this focussed learning, we learned a lot through play and conversation.

Have a great weekend and we’ll see you next week!