Ms M’s Class Term 1 Week 6 Update

What an incredible week we had!

We started the week off with a vist from Ms Nila! She’s a dentist (and also Naka and Ayaka’s mom). She showed us how to take care of our teeth. We might have been shy around her at first but we came around and had a great time!

We explored patterns in Maths and that doesn’t just mean visual patterns either. We made patterns we actions and patterns with sound. Our Maths assessment was on Thursday to see how everyone was coming along and I’m pleased with the progress this class is making.

We imagined what it would be like if we were the Gingerbread Man being chased around by the cow. “Run run as fast as you can. You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man.” Ms. M as the cow could not catch any of the gingerbread students. We also imagined and painted other animals that might chase the Gingerbread Man. That was our messy painting outside on the school windows! I think it adds some ambiance to our outdoor and indoor space! We also practiced labelling either with initial letter or word our paintings. That’s one of our goals in literacy – to label a drawing. We continued using our imaginations and thought, “What if the Gingerbread man had a bridge? Then he wouldn’t be eaten by that sneaky fox!” So we built bridges out of different blocks for our Ginger-selves.

In IEYC we started again talking about feelings. Many of our units cover feelings and the wellbeing and care of ourselves and our friends when we’re not feeling at our best.

A feeling we sure felt on Friday was sadness as it was Brendan’s last day. We made him a card and had some sweets and a little party with Mrs Sim’s class. We’ll miss you so much!!

That’s all for this update! Enjoy the short, weird week for Week 7!