Hello everyone,
Yet another week filled with fun and exciting learning has flown by!
Here is what Year 5/6 have been up to this week:
Maths Year 5 – Place Value
Aut.1.14 – Round within 1,000,000
Place Value Review
Place Value Assessment
Incas Mathematics Assessment
Aut.2.1 – Mental strategies
Maths Year 6 – Place Value
Aut.2.4 – Rules of divisibility
Aut.2.5 – Primes to 100
Aut.2.6 – Square and cube numbers
Incas Mathematics Assessment
Aut.2.7 – Multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number
This week, the students created character profiles for Annie Edson Taylor, applying their newly acquired descriptive language to express their opinions of her. The Year 5s focused on enhancing their sentence writing by incorporating subordinate clauses, while the Year 6s practised using the passive voice to craft more descriptive sentences. To wrap up the week, we held a lively debate, where students discussed the statement: ‘Annie should go over the falls in a barrel.’
This week, we have started our new unit, ‘Existing, Endangered, Extinct’ where students will explore how animals are classified and how living things adapt to their environments. They will also learn about the interdependence of all living things, including humans. As part of the ‘web of life,’ we’ll discuss the role humans play and explore important questions like: How is human behaviour threatening the survival of many species? And, can we preserve the biodiversity of our planet?”
Knowledge Harvest: Students were introduced to the unit through a detailed description, both verbally and in written form, which included key terms related to the topic. They were asked to highlight the words they already understood and those they didn’t. At the end of the unit, they’ll revisit these descriptions to reflect on how much they’ve learned over the coming weeks and track their progress.
Entry Point: Students worked in pairs to create posters about a chosen habitat. They researched the animals that live there, the plants that grow, specific food chains or webs, and any conservation concerns related to their habitat. The finished posters were fantastic, and I’m incredibly impressed with how well the students collaborated to produce such thoughtful work.
Useful Information
No homework has been assigned this week. Wishing you all a wonderful Chuseok holiday, however your family chooses to celebrate!
Have a wonderful holiday!
Ms. Temple 😄