Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 1 Week 7

Hello everyone,

Another week filled with red days has gone by! It’s nice to have the time off but I am looking forward to having a full week again! 

Here is what Year 5/6 have been up to this week:

Maths Year 5 – Addition and Subtraction

Aut.2.8 – Find missing numbers
End of unit assessment

Maths Year 6 – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

Aut.2.11 – Introduction to long division
Aut.2.12 – Long division with remainders


In our literacy lesson, we explored how news was communicated in the early 1900s, a time when information didn’t travel as quickly or easily as it does in today’s world. We delved into the challenges that news reporters of the era would have faced, particularly in their eagerness to uncover the thrilling details of Annie Edson Taylor’s daring stunt. The students embraced this historical context by stepping into the shoes of those reporters, thoughtfully crafting their own questions that they would have asked Annie, imagining the excitement and curiosity surrounding her bold achievement.


Science Task 2: This focused on biodiversity and the classification of animals. The students were divided into groups and tasked with researching five different animals, representing the five vertebrate classifications. They recorded their findings on paper leaves, which will be used to create an engaging and informative classroom display. This display will take the form of a large tree, with each group’s leaves contributing to the branches, showcasing the diversity within vertebrate animals.

In Science Task 3, the students were introduced to a new concept through their “friend,” MRS GREN, representing the seven characteristics of living things: movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion, and nutrition. Today’s lesson focused specifically on reproduction, and the students were given the challenge of researching various animals and their life cycles, deepening their understanding of this key life process.

Useful Information

Next week will have another red day (Wednesday 9th October) 

Due to the shorter week, students will only have maths homework assigned.

The date and location for our Term 1 class trip have been confirmed, and it’s going to be fin-tastic—we’re heading to Busan Sea Life Aquarium! I’ll be sending out all the details via email next week, so be sure to keep an eye on your inbox.

Have a wonderful weekend, 

Ms. Temple 😄