Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 2 Week 2

Hello everyone,

What an unusual week it’s been! Many students have been off sick with the various illnesses going around, and I hope everyone is now feeling much better. I also hope you’ve had plenty of time to rest and recover. Despite the smaller numbers in class, the students and I have stayed focused on our learning and enjoyed a week filled with fun and enriching activities.

Here is what Year 5/6 have been up to this week:


Year 5

Spr.1.6 – Solve problems with multiplication
Spr.1.7 – Short division
Spr.1.8 – Divide a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number
Spr.1.9 – Divide with remainders

Year 6

Spr.1 – Assessment
Spr.2.1 – Add or multiply?
Spr.2.2 – Use ratio language
Spr.2.3 – Introduction to the ratio symbol
Spr.2.4 – Ratio and fractions


This week, as we continued reading Malala’s Magic Pencil, we gained even more insight into Malala’s incredible story. After reflecting on which human rights they believe are most important, the students wrote thoughtful letters in response to Malala. They shared their ideas on which rights she should focus on next, using emotive language to express their views passionately. During guided reading, the students also took on a research task to learn more about Malala’s life and achievements. My hope is that her story will leave a lasting impression on them, inspiring them with her remarkable courage and tenacity.


Science Task 3 – This lesson, the students explored how surface area affects the time it takes for an object to reach the ground by designing and testing parachutes. They began by recalling the force of gravity and discussing how air resistance opposes it. Each student created three parachutes of different sizes and hypothesized which would result in the slowest and safest landing. Creating the parachutes out of bin bags, string and cups was very challenging but I am so proud that everyone was able to make them successfully. 

Using a fair test planning guide, they identified variables to change (parachute size), control (weight, material, drop height), and measure (time to fall). After conducting their investigations, they analyzed their results to determine whether their predictions and hypotheses were correct. 

Science Task 4 – In this lesson, students investigated different types of simple machines and how they reduce the effort needed to complete tasks. After learning about pulleys, wheels and axles, inclined planes, levers, screws, and wedges, they practiced identifying these machines through a sorting activity. Working in groups, students built a catapult (a lever) and tested different objects to see which would be the most effective at hitting targets.  

Science Task 5 – In this lesson, students investigated how density affects whether objects sink or float by testing various items in water. They made predictions about whether objects would float or sink based on their size, material, and air content. After testing, students connected their observations to the concept of density, learning that denser objects sink while less dense ones float. They revised their predictions and discussed their conclusions, referencing real-life examples. The activity helped students understand how density plays a key role in determining an object’s buoyancy.

Useful Information

  • Clubs start this week!
  • As we do our best to stay warm in this winter season, I’d like to remind everyone to ensure that students come to school dressed appropriately for the weather. While the classroom heating keeps us warm, it’s not uncommon for some children to feel too hot while others feel chilly, so layering clothing can help them adjust comfortably. On PE days, we aim to have our lessons outside whenever it’s not too cold. To keep students comfortable and able to move freely, it’s best for them to wear hoodies or jumpers instead of coats, as coats can be restrictive during physical activity.

  • Here is the link to our current Termly Curriculum Plan, where you can find details about everything we’ll be covering this term. Additionally, the link to the Curriculum Overview presentation from the start of the year is also available. Both resources can be found at the top of my class page on the school website.
  • This Thursday, we will be celebrating Seollal! Students are welcome to wear Hanbok or traditional clothing from their own cultures, though this is entirely optional. Parents are also warmly invited to join us for the festivities—we’d love to have you there!

As always, I hope you all have a lovely weekend! 🙂

Ms. Temple