Hello everyone!
Today marked our first day back, and it was absolutely delightful! While I’m already familiar with all of your wonderful children, today offered a fantastic opportunity to get to know them a bit more.
We kicked off the day by creating personality puzzle pieces, where each student filled in their piece with their hobbies, interests, and favorite things. These pieces will come together to form a classroom display, celebrating the unique individuals that make up our wonderful classroom family.
After break, the students came back to class and got to know their new surroundings. The classroom has changed quite a bit since last year, so even the Year 6 students got to experience a change.
Next, The students had a go at making towers out of dry spaghetti and marshmallows. This was very challenging but I was completely blown away at how well they did! Some of the towers kept falling down, but every team used teamwork to complete the task. I was honestly amazed at how well they all worked together!
In the afternoon we all got to know each other a little more by playing the classic “Two truths and a lie” game. This was so much fun and everyone did a great job!
I’m really lookinmg forward to next week!
Have a lovely weekend!
Ms. Temple 🙂