Hello everyone,
It was so lovely to see some of you at the international day on Friday. A special thank you to the PTA, and all who helped, for making this event so fantastic. I’m still full from all the delicious food! Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to take any photos but I’m sure there will be lots in the weekly newsletter this week.
Here is what Year 5/6 have been up to this week:
Year 5
Decimals & Percentages | Spr.3.14 – Percentages as decimals |
Decimals & Percentages | Spr.3.15 – Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages |
Decimals & Percentages | End of unit assessment |
Perimeter and area | Spr.4.1 – Perimeter of rectangles |
Year 6
Decimals | Spr.4.6 – Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 |
Decimals | Spr.4.7 – Multiply decimals by integers |
Decimals | Spr.4.8 – Divide decimals by integers |
Decimals | Spr.4.9 – Multiply and divide decimals in context |
With both Independence Movement Day and International Day giving us time off this week, we only had one literacy session. We made the most of it by diving into the first few pages of our exciting new focus text, Kai and the Monkey King. After reading, the students were challenged to use clues from the story to make predictions about what they think will happen next. They considered the characters, setting, and early events to form their ideas, sparking some great discussions about possible twists and turns in the narrative.
Entry Point – For our new unit the students explored the concept of invention and how it connects to problem-solving. They began with an activity, where they responded to thought-provoking questions about innovation, sustainability, and the impact of new technology. After discussing their ideas, they worked in groups to start designing their own prototypes using a variety of materials. Each group selected a challenge and considered their invention’s functionality, key features, target audience, and environmental impact. Although they didn’t have time to complete their models, they will finish building them on Monday. Once completed, they will present their inventions to me, and I will take on the role of a rich investor deciding which product to fund. The students will need to explain how their invention meets the design criteria and why it deserves investment. This activity will help them refine their presentation skills and think critically about how inventions can positively shape the world.
Useful Information
- We will be taking a trip to the Busan Science Museum on Wednesday 19th March. The school will contribute 10,000 won to this trip and the children will be asked to pay 2,000 won to cover the costs of the additional activities. Please send the 2,000 won in an envelope (with your child’s name on it) by next Friday 14th March. We will be participating in the museum-led activities in the morning and will be exploring the museum after lunch.
On this day, students should bring the following:
- Water Bottle
- Packed lunch that does not need to be microwaved
- A morning snack
Please ensure your child wears at least one piece of HFS uniform, such as the HFS T-shirt or hoodie.
We will leave 9am sharp so please make sure to arrive by 8:50 am if you drop your child off at school in the morning.
Here is a link for the permission slip. Please have this signed and the money brought in by Friday the 14th of March.
Have a lovely weekend!
Ms. Temple 🙂