Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 2 Week 9

Hello everyone,

Spring is in the air! We’ve had a wonderful week filled with sunshine and warmth. As we approach the end of the term, the excitement is building, especially with our upcoming trip to the Busan Science Museum!

Here is what Year 5/6 have been up to this week:


Year 5

Perimeter and areaSpr.4.2 – Perimeter of rectilinear shapes
Perimeter and areaSpr.4.3 – Perimeter of polygons
Perimeter and areaSpr.4.4 – Area of rectangles
Perimeter and areaSpr.4.5 – Area of compound shapes
Perimeter and areaSpr.4.6 – Estimate area

Year 6

DecimalsEnd of Unit Assessment
Fractions, decimals and percentagesSpr.5.1 – Decimal and fraction equivalents
Fractions, decimals and percentagesSpr.5.2 – Fractions as division
Fractions, decimals and percentagesSpr.5.3 – Understand percentages
Fractions, decimals and percentagesSpr.5.4 – Fractions to percentages


In Literacy this week, we continued exploring The Monkey King and discussed why he was imprisoned in the Buddha’s palm. The students made thoughtful predictions about how his story might connect with Kai’s journey, considering what challenges she may face along the way.

We also took a closer look at the characters of Kai and her mum, identifying their key personality traits and discussing how these qualities could help them in their quests. The students shared insightful ideas about determination, bravery, and resilience, considering why these traits are important for overcoming obstacles.

It’s been a great week of discussion and critical thinking, setting the stage for deeper exploration of the story in the weeks ahead!


History Task 1 – The students engaged in a thought-provoking activity to explore some of history’s most significant inventions and discoveries. Working in small groups, they were given a set of nine historical inventions from a particular time period. Their challenge was to collaborate and rank them in a Diamond 9 formation, deciding which had the greatest impact on human life.

Through discussion and debate, students considered key factors such as how widely an invention was used, whether it saved lives, and how it shaped the world. After sharing their rankings with the class, they had the opportunity to adjust their decisions based on new perspectives.

History Task 2 – This week, our Year 5/6 students delved into the Great Exhibition of 1851, a groundbreaking event in Victorian Britain that brought together the world’s most innovative inventions and technological marvels under one roof. Working in groups, they became young historians and researchers, investigating revolutionary advancements in transport, communication, medicine, and more. Each group explored two key inventions, uncovering fascinating details about their inventors, purpose, and impact on society. They then compiled their findings into informative fact files and arranged them into a timeline, tracing the evolution of these groundbreaking discoveries.

Useful Information

  • Thank you so much to everyone who has signed the online permission form for the class trip on Wednesday. We’re still waiting on a couple of people to sign the form and bring in the 2,000 won. If you could do this by Monday 17th that would be fabulous! Thank you!
  • We will be participating in the museum-led activities in the morning and will be exploring the museum after lunch. 

On this day, students should bring the following:

  • Water Bottle
  • Packed lunch that does not need to be microwaved
  • A morning snack

Please ensure your child wears at least one piece of HFS uniform, such as the HFS T-shirt or hoodie.

We will leave 9am sharp so please make sure to arrive by 8:50 am if you drop your child off at school in the morning. 

Here is a link for the permission slip. Please have this signed and the money brought in by Monday the 17th of March. 

Have a lovely weekend!  

Ms. Temple 🙂