Hello everyone!
An extra exciting week with a small Chuseok celebration on Thursday, it was great to see so many children dressed in their hanboks.
As it is the Chuseok break, no homework was sent home. I hope everyone has a a great break and ejoys the time off.
In English, we continued reading and exploring The Seal Surfer. We delved into the main character by selecting descriptive words and explaining our choices, focusing on his actions throughout the story. The class also engaged in a role-play activity to practice direct speech and write character descriptions. Additionally, we used the five senses to help describe various settings.
We are nearing the end of our unit on place value. The children have explored rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000, as well as Roman numerals. They also spent some time on Education City and Sumdog, revisiting previously learned concepts.
We have begun our new IPC unit, How Humans Work. We started with an entry point where the children considered how their bodies react to exercise. Following this, they conducted a knowledge harvest on the human body. In groups, they traced around one person to label the different body parts. We then focused on the eye, creating an eye chart to test sight, labeling a diagram, and exploring the function of each part.