Hello everyone! It was great to meet so many of you during the parent-teacher conferences. If you weren’t able to meet with me please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can arrange a meeting. Here’s an overview of what we did last week. In Literacy, we finished our fantasy story writing unit, inspired by our class text Winter’s Child. The children looked at writing setting descriptions to show the change in seasons from winter to spring. We also began our new unit, which will use two stories to support our writing: The Morning I Met a Whale by … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2 W5
Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Seollal break! The Year 3/4 class jumped straight back into learning and exploring. Mid-year reports were sent home yesterday, and parent-teacher conferences will take place next Monday and Friday. I look forward to meeting with you then! Here are some highlights from our week: In IPC, we tested the parachutes we made before the holiday break. The students also wrote up their investigation, results, and conclusion, demonstrating what they learned about air resistance. To end the unit, I challenged the children to create a video showcasing some of their learning. They … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2 W4
Dear Parents, On the Friday 7th February Mid Year reports will be sent home with your child and Parent Teacher Conferences will take place the week beginning 10th February. Please sign up to make an appointment with me to discuss your child’s progress using this LINK. I look foward to meeting with you soon. Thank you Mr Dunn
Hello everyone! This week was extra special with our Seollal celebration on Thursday. It was wonderful to see so many children wearing their hanbok or traditional clothing from their home countries. Each class performed Sebae to teachers and staff and the children enjoyed playing traditional Korean games. Here are some highlights from this week’s learning: This week in Literacy, the students explored character motives. They sorted reasons for the Winter’s Child to stay with his friend, Tom, and reasons for him to leave and return so that spring could arrive. The children also created their own fantasy characters and wrote … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W3
Hello everyone! Another busy and productive week in the Year 3/4 class. Below are a few highlights from this week’s learning. A few reminders: Clubs will start next week—I hope you’ve had a chance to sign up! Next Thursday, we will be celebrating Seollal, and it would be wonderful to see your child wearing a hanbok or traditional dress from their home country. You can view an overview for the learning for each subject by clicking on the following link Mr Dunn’s Termly Curriculum Plan. You can also view the presentation I gave at the start of the academic year … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2 W2
Hello everyone. A new year, a new term, and an exciting array of new learning opportunities for the Year 3/4 class! The children have returned from the Winter Break with a positive attitude, ready to dive straight into their learning. In IPC, we began a new science-focused unit called Feel the Force. As always, we kicked things off with an engaging entry point to spark the students’ curiosity about their new topic. Following this, we conducted a knowledge harvest to assess the children’s existing understanding of forces. Next, we conducted a hands-on science experiment on friction. The children investigated how … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W1
Hello everyone! The Winter Show was a fun and exciting way to end the first term! I was incredibly impressed by all the performances, and the students demonstrated remarkable confidence. However, the end of the term was bittersweet as we bid farewell to two students in our class. Ayaka and Yerang are moving on to new schools, and we wish them every success in the future. They will be deeply missed by everyone. Last week, the students wrapped up their Exit Point for our IPC unit, Scavengers and Settlers. They completed their models, added detailed information, and included labels. In … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1 W16
Hello everyone! With only one week left of the first term, we are beginning to wrap up various units before the Christmas break. The students have spent a lot of time rehearsing for our class Winter Show performance, which promises to be great fun! For our performance, it would be lovely if the children could wear something festive—this could be in festive colours or designs. However, please do not feel obliged to buy anything new. Here are some highlights from the week’s learning. In English, the children planned and began writing their final historical narratives, inspired by the class text … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W15
Hello everyone! With only two weeks left in the term, there’s still so much to fit in and the Winter Show just around the corner! Here are some highlights from the week. The children had a wonderful day at the Kindness Market on Friday, purchasing toys, books, clothes, and sweet treats. A big thank you to the PTA for organizing such a fantastic event. In Maths, we wrapped up our unit on multiplication and division. Early in the week, the children completed their learning of the 11 and 12 times tables. We ended the week with engaging games to review … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1 W14
Hello everyone! As we approach the end of the first term, things are getting busier. Alongside continuing with our learning, we are also practicing for our class Winter Show performance. Don’t forget, next Friday is the PTA Thrift Market—I look forward to seeing many of you there! Here are some highlights from the week. This week, the students planned their own historical stories inspired by our class text, The Stone Age Boy. This activity allowed them to incorporate knowledge from our IPC unit, Scavengers and Settlers, into their writing. After completing their plans, the children began drafting their stories. In … Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W13