Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W11

Hello everyone!

I hope you all enjoyed a relaxing half-term break. We’ve had a busy and productive week in Year 3/4 as we started new units that will carry us through to the winter break.

In Literacy, we continued exploring our class text, The Stone Age Boy, which ties in perfectly with our new IPC unit, Scavengers and Settlers. The children created a glossary of new vocabulary from the text, compared and contrasted life in the Stone Age with life today, explored the present perfect tense and applied it in their writing, and wrote descriptive pieces inspired by a hunting scene.

In Maths, we started a new unit on multiplication and division. The class practiced using arrays to support their understanding of multiplication, division, sharing, and grouping. We then worked through various times tables and related division facts, focusing so far on the 2, 5, 10, 4, and 8 times tables.

In IPC, before the holiday, the children had been working on the Exit Point for our previous unit, How Humans Work, and had nearly completed it. This week, they spent some time finalizing and rehearsing their scripts for presentations on Friday. Our main focus for IPC lessons was our new unit, Scavengers and Settlers. We began with a Knowledge Harvest to assess what the children already know, followed by an exploration of fossils. I shared fossil samples for the children to examine, and they drew and wrote about the process of fossil formation. We also began investigating what life was like during the Stone Age.