Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2 W4

Hello everyone!

I hope you all had a wonderful Seollal break! The Year 3/4 class jumped straight back into learning and exploring. Mid-year reports were sent home yesterday, and parent-teacher conferences will take place next Monday and Friday. I look forward to meeting with you then!

Here are some highlights from our week:

In IPC, we tested the parachutes we made before the holiday break. The students also wrote up their investigation, results, and conclusion, demonstrating what they learned about air resistance. To end the unit, I challenged the children to create a video showcasing some of their learning. They worked in groups, wrote scripts, and practiced their presentations. We will begin our new unit next week.

During Literacy, the students planned their fantasy stories based on the class text Winter’s Child by Angela McAllister. We used a model text to support their planning. After that, we began writing a paragraph each day, encouraging them to think carefully about what to include. To support their writing, we also created a class story together, generating ideas as a group.

In Maths, we continued our unit on length and perimeter. The students practiced using rulers to measure, explored different units of measurement, learned how to convert between them, and worked on adding and subtracting lengths. They also applied their knowledge to calculating perimeter.