Hello everyone!
It was great to meet so many of you during the parent-teacher conferences. If you weren’t able to meet with me please don’t hesitate to get in touch so we can arrange a meeting. Here’s an overview of what we did last week.
In Literacy, we finished our fantasy story writing unit, inspired by our class text Winter’s Child. The children looked at writing setting descriptions to show the change in seasons from winter to spring. We also began our new unit, which will use two stories to support our writing: The Morning I Met a Whale by Michael Morpurgo and The Big Blue Whale by Nicola Davies. To excite the students about this new unit, we listened to whale singing, watched whales move through the water, and then created sentences around different images using “I see,” “I notice,” and “I wonder.”
During IPC this week, we also started a new unit. We began with an entry point to engage the students, asking them to think carefully about what school would be like without electricity. Then, we searched around the school for different appliances and devices that use electricity. After that, we had a knowledge harvest lesson to assess what the children already knew and what they wanted to find out. I demonstrated some effects of static electricity, then the children had a turn before finally coming up with a definition of electricity and thinking of some questions we could explore.
In Maths, the children continued working on perimeter and length. We looked at how to calculate the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes, and polygons, applying our knowledge of shapes to find missing lengths. We ended the week with our end-of-unit assessment.