Hello everyone!
What a fantastic way to wrap up the week with our International Day. It was a celebration filled with delicious food and sharing and learning about different cultures. A thank you to everyone who contributed to making it such a memorable and enriching day; your efforts and support are appreciated.
I am excited to inform you about our upcoming class trip scheduled for Wednesday, March 19th. On this day, our students will explore the Busan Science Museum, including visits to the main museum and the children’s museum, along with participation in a museum-led science activity.
Please note the following important details:
- Students are required to wear their school uniforms.
- Students should bring a morning snack and their water bottle.
- Each student should bring a packed lunch that doesn’t need a microwave.
- We kindly request a contribution of 3,500 won per student to cover entrance fees.
To ensure your child’s participation, please complete the permission form using the link provided. Should you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact me or the school office.
Here are the highlights from this week’s learning.
During Literacy, the class delved deeper into persuasive information texts, focusing on techniques such as shocking facts and rhetorical questions. They analyzed a model text to identify key structural features and literary devices, enhancing their understanding of persuasive writing.
In maths, the students concluded the ‘Fractions A’ unit by completing an end-of-unit assessment. They tackled calculation and reasoning questions related to improper fractions, mixed numbers, and conversions between the two, solidifying their grasp of these concepts.
In IPC, as part of the ‘Young Entrepreneurs’ unit, students explored unique products from around the world. Working in groups, they created posters featuring products from each continent, accompanied by informative descriptions, and integrated these into a world map display.