
Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1 W5

Hello everyone! We had a short week due to the Chuseok holiday, I hope everyone enjoyed the little break. Here’s a quick overview of our activities this week. In math, we have reached the end of our unit on place value. We spent Thursday reviewing the unit before completing a mini-assessment. Next week, we will begin our new unit on addition and subtraction. During our guided reading sessions on Fridays, we focus on fostering a love of reading. The children have time to read their library books or a selection from our class library, this also allows me to listen Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1 W5

Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1 W4

Hello everyone! An extra exciting week with a small Chuseok celebration on Thursday, it was great to see so many children dressed in their hanboks. As it is the Chuseok break, no homework was sent home. I hope everyone has a a great break and ejoys the time off. In English, we continued reading and exploring The Seal Surfer. We delved into the main character by selecting descriptive words and explaining our choices, focusing on his actions throughout the story. The class also engaged in a role-play activity to practice direct speech and write character descriptions. Additionally, we used the Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1 W4

Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W3

Hello everyone! This week, the children engaged in a variety of learning activities across different subjects, deepening their understanding and skills through creative and hands-on experiences. Here is a quick overview of the week. In English, the children performed a role-play they had created the previous week and then transformed it into direct speech, paying careful attention to the use of inverted commas and a reporting clause. They also wrote a diary entry from the main character’s perspective in “The Seal Surfer.” In math, the students worked on problems involving number lines, as well as comparing and ordering numbers. They Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W3

Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W2

Hello everyone! This week, the children engaged in a variety of learning activities across different subjects, deepening their understanding and skills through creative and hands-on experiences. Here is a quick overview of the week. In English, the children performed a role-play they had created the previous week and then transformed it into direct speech, paying careful attention to the use of inverted commas and a reporting clause. They also wrote a diary entry from the main character’s perspective in “The Seal Surfer.” In math, the students worked on problems involving number lines, as well as comparing and ordering numbers. They Mr Dunn’s Class Update T1W2