Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W12

We reached the end of term 2 and finished with a bang as students enjoyed International food share. Thank you to all the parents who helped with this event.

The only homework for the holiday is to read so students can join in with the Read-a-thon and some activities on Sumdog.

Here are some highlights from the classroom from the last week.


This week in English, we concluded our unit on Shape Poems. Students delved into the different types of figurative language and poetic expression, focusing particularly on shaping their verses to reflect their subject matter. We took our inspiration from nature, exploring the surrounding area of our school grounds. Back in the classroom, students brainstormed, planned, and crafted their final shape poems. What made this process even more engaging was our utilization of various ICT programs, which allowed students to generate words and arrange them in visually striking ways.


In maths, we dedicated our time to reinforcing and consolidating our recent learning. Through a series of mini-assessments, interactive activities on Sumdog, and collaborative board games, students had the opportunity to solidify their understanding of key mathematical concepts. 


This week also marked the end of our IPC unit, the students were tasked with marking the end of their learning and exploration with an Exit Point. Students presented their learning through visual representations, interactive elements, and well-prepared scripts highlighting their newfound knowledge. It was truly heartening to witness the confidence and enthusiasm with which our students shared their learnings. To further celebrate our achievements, we extended an invitation to Ms. Temple’s class to observe a demonstration of our collective learning journey.

That’s all for the week, I hope everyone has an enjoyable break.

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