Ms Temple – 2023/24

Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 11

Hello everyone! 

The final week is here! Everyone has enjoyed a week brimming with excitement, heartfelt farewells, and endless fun. 

I have only been Year 1/2’s class teacher for 4 months but I have enjoyed every second. It has been such a privilege to teach such an amazing group of students. 

Year 2, it’s time for you to move up to Year 3 and embrace new challenges. I’m confident that each of you will be amazing and discover many exciting new things along the way!

Year 1, you must be thrilled to become the big kids in class. I’m sure you’ll support your new classmates and guide them in learning all the new routines.

I hope everyone has an amazing summer, and I can’t wait to see you next year! Although I won’t be your teacher anymore, I’m looking forward to seeing you around school!

Eric will be leaving HFS to go to school in Thailand. We wish you all the best of luck Eric and we will miss you!

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 10

Hello everyone! 

My greatest apologies for the late post. Week 10 has come to a close, and with only one week remaining in the term, it’s hard to believe how quickly the time has flown by. We’re almost at the finish line, ready to enjoy some well-deserved rest. It was so lovely seeing you all for our Parent-Teacher conferences last week. It’s always so nice to share your child’s achievements with you!

Here is what Year 1-2 have been up to this week:


Year 1 have successfully completed their unit on Time, exploring concepts such as days of the week, months of the year, and telling time to the hour and half-hour. Next week will be their final focus on time, and we’ll wrap up the year on a high note by reviewing addition, subtraction, and multiplication.

Year 2 have completed their unit on Statistics. In their final week, they will concentrate on addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division, preparing them for Year 3 next year.


This week, the students explored the significance of dictionaries and their importance. They also delved into the concept of alphabetical order, understanding why mastering this skill is so valuable.


In IPC, the students had an enjoyable and enriching experience learning how to use Google Earth. They discovered how this powerful tool can be used to explore the world, enhancing their understanding of geography and global awareness. 

These are the letters for next week’s ABC countdown:

W has been changed from Watercolour to Water Play. We will use our Tuesday PE time to play outside with upper school students. We will be playing with water balloons and water guns. If your child has any water toys at home they would like to bring feel free to let them do so. Please pack your child a change of clothes and a towel. 

V – is for video

W – is for Water Play

X – is for X-changing signatures

Y – is for Yahoo it’s Gyeongju World

Z – is for zip up our bags and zoom off into the summer holidays!

Please remember, there are no clubs the last week of school. There will be a first and second bus, please see the HFS Newsletter email for details.

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms Temple’s Weekly Update Term 3- Week 9

Here is what Year 1-2 have been up to this week:


Year 1 have finished their unit on, “Place Value within 100” and they have started their new unit on “Time” looking at key vocabulary including: before, after, first, then and now.

Year 2 have started their new unit called “Statistics” where they have been looking at tally charts, block charts and pictograms to collect data. 


This week the students have been looking at topic words in non-fiction information texts. We also used our English time to write letters to our loved ones. I hope you all enjoyed your messages from your little ones!


In IPC, we have looked at the reasons why people go on holiday. The students have answered interesting questions such as, Do people need to go on holiday? How were holidays different in the past? What kind of activities do people do on holiday? 

These are the letters for next week’s ABC countdown:

Q – is for quiz

R – is for read (Feel free to bring in a book from home to read)

S – stuffed toy (Bring in your favourite stuffed toy, but please don’t bring one in if it’s too special)

T – Thank you

U – Under the sea

Thank you so much for signing up for the Parent-Teacher conference, which will happen next week. I’m looking forward to meeting with you all face-to-face. Please don’t hesitate to contact me beforehand if you have anything you would like to discuss during our meeting. 

*A quick reminder about the Gyeongju World Trip on June 28th. The admission fee for your child is 19,000won. Here is the link for the sign-up form. Here

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms. Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 8

Hello everyone! 

Another sunny week has passed and we’re getting ever closer to the summer. I hope you all enjoyed the day off on Thursday as much as I did! It’s always nice to have a day off to break up the week. 

Here is what Year 1-2 have been up to this week:


Year 1 have started their new unit, “Place Value within 100”. They have looked at number lines to 100 and partitions of two-digit numbers. Next week Year 1 will be focussing on comparing numbers using greater than, less than, or equal to.  

Year 2 finished their unit on “Time” and I am so impressed with how well they have grasped the concept of analogue time. This is such a tricky process, but they have been practising this a lot and can now tell me the time using our classroom clock, which is an analogue clock. Time is a concept that takes a long time to master, but they have done really well. Well done Year 2! 


This week we have continued looking at non-fiction texts. This week we have been looking at how information texts use pictures and captions to draw the reader’s attention. For their homework this week, I have included some photos of the students, which they can write their own captions for. These can be as long or as short as they like. 


In IPC, we have started our new unit, “Hooray – Let’s Go on Holiday” by having a class discussion about holidays we have been on in the past. Next week we will look more closely at the types of holidays people like to go on, and what places people like to visit the most. 

A gentle reminder: The days are getting hotter, which means the aircon is often on in the classroom and the cafeteria. It might be a good idea to send your little one to school with a cardigan or jumper to use in the classroom, just in case they get a bit chilly.

The ABC Countdown has been so much fun so far. This week we had a fun trip to the convenience store to get some icecream, we shared our favourite games, we had some students come in with some fantastic hats and hairstyles, and we even started making some spinning Korean flags (These will be coming home next week 🙂)

These are the letters for next week’s ABC countdown:

L – Letter – Let’s write a letter for a loved one.

M – Movie – Let’s watch a movie we can all enjoy!

N – Notebook – Let’s decorate our summer notebooks!

O – Origami – Let’s make something amazing out of paper!

P – Pyjama day – Let’s be super comfortable on the last day of the week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 7

Hello everyone! 

It’s been another fun week in Year 1/2 and I can’t believe how close we are to the summer! The students have really enjoyed starting the ABC countdown and can’t wait to see what the other days will bring. Here is what we have been up to this week:


Year 1 have completed their unit on Position and Direction and have grasped all the concepts very well. They now know their left and right, how objects move on a grid, and all the ways objects can rotate. Next week they will start their unit on Place Value within 100.

Year 2 have continued with their current unit on Time and I’m so impressed with how well they are doing. Analogue time can be a very tricky concept but they are slowly getting used to telling the time this way. We will continue this unit next week also. I have sent home some model clocks for the students for some extra practice. 


This week we have been focussing on non-fiction texts. The students have been looking at contents pages and why they are so important in helping us find specific information. On Monday, which was B for books, the students shared the books they brought into school and we had a short story time with one of the books. The students really enjoyed looking at everyone’s favourite books.


In IPC, we have come to the end of our current unit, The Earth: Our home, and for our exit point the students designed and made bug hotels to put in our school’s nature garden. The students have provided a safe place for the creepy crawlies to live to help the ecosystem of our garden. This unit was a lot of fun, and next week we will be starting our new unit, Hooray…Let’s go on Holiday! This will surely get us all in the summer holiday mood! 

These are the letters for next week’s ABC countdown:

G Games (students can bring in their own games/toys if they wish)

HHair/Hat (come to school with interesting hair or a cool hat)

IIce cream (we will provide these)

J Just stay home (it’s a red day)

KKorea (we will do some Korean focussed activities)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 6

Hello everyone! 

It seems like forever ago that we have had a full week at school. It was a bit strange not having the older kids here for half the week, but our class did a great job at sticking to their routines. Here is what we have been up to in Week 6:


Year 1 have finished their unit on Fractions and have started a new unit called, “Position and Direction”. This week they learned all about quarter turns, half turns, full turns, and three quarter turns. They have also learned a cool trick to help them remember their left and right. Imagine you are pushing a door. The hand which has an L shape is always your left hand. 😂

Year 2 have also finished their unit on Fractions and have started their new unit called, “Time”. This was only started today, but already the Year 2 students have looked at the difference between half past and o’clock. Time can be quite a tricky concept, so it would be really helpful if you could practise telling the time at home together, especially with an analogue clock if you have one. 


We have finished our unit on Rhyming words and the class even came up with a little poem of their own:

There once was a missing stick,

It was very thick.

I think it was the ants,

I hope they don’t steal the plants.

We have now started a new unit called “Finding out”. This week we have looked at different ways of finding out information and have been learning how to make an animal fact file. 


We are almost at the end of our current unit and will be starting our new unit next week. This week we have been focussing on the nature around our school and the students used their tablets to take photos of nature. They then used those photos to create some amazing pieces of art that will be used for a beautiful display outside our classroom. 

I hope you have all had a chance to read the email I sent about the ABC countdown. The children are all so excited! I can’t believe we have completed A already! If you have any questions about it, please do let me know. 

As always, have a lovely weekend! 

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms. Temple’s Weekly Update Term 3 – Week 5

Hello everyone! 

We have been super busy this week with our class trip, Buddha’s Birthday, and Sports Day. Because of this, the homework is a bit smaller than it usually would be. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I hope the children manage to rest well after such a fun-packed week! 

Here are some photos from the week:

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms Temple’s Weekly Update Term 3 Week 4

Hello everyone! 

I can’t believe it’s the end of week 4 already! I hope everyone enjoyed their three-day weekend. 

A massive thank you to you all for signing the online permission form and for sending in the money for the trip so quickly, I really appreciate it! 🥰

Here is what Year 1/2 have been up to this week:

In Maths:

In Year 1, the students have continued to look at fractions. They’re getting the hang of spotting halves of things and amounts, and now they’ve begun exploring quarters. They are now understanding why it’s important for each piece to be the same size. These are quite tricky concepts for children their age to grasp, so I am super impressed with their progress!

In Year 2, the students have also been carrying on with fractions. They now know the difference between unit fractions and non-unit fractions. They are quite confident in identifying a half, a quarter and a third. I’m so impressed with how well they have understood the work so far! 


We have looked closely at trees, which are so important to us all. We have labelled parts of a tree and we have used our artistic/scientific skills to record trees at our school. We also re-planted our classroom flowers. The seeds we planted a few weeks ago did not grow due to the cups we used (which was my fault 😭), so I ordered real plant pots and some fresh new soil. Fingers crossed our little flowers will grow this time. 

A few reminders for next week:

We will have our class trip on Tuesday, please remember to send your little ones to school wearing their school uniform on that day. This will not affect clubs, as we will return to school before 3:30. 

Wednesday is a red day, so there will be no school. Thursday is sports day, which you are welcome to come along and watch. Please check what team your child is on and dress them in that colour, if you can. We will be on the pitch for most of the day, so please do bring sun cream and a hat for your child to wear.

Have a lovely weekend everyone,

Ms. Temple 🙂

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Ms. Temple’s Weekly Update Term 3 Week 3

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone has enjoyed their week so far. The day off on Wednesday was lovely and it made the rest of the week fly by. Here is what we have all been up to this week:

In Maths:

Year 1 have started their new unit all about fractions. They have been learning how to recognise a half from shapes and everyday objects. 

Year 2 have also been looking at fractions, but have been focussing on halves, quarters and thirds. They have learned how to find a fraction of a number or an object by using their sharing skills. They have done a fantastic job so far! 

In English:

The students have continued to look closely at rhyming words and identifying them in a poem. Next week we will begin to write our own poems! How exciting!


We have been looking at animal classification keys and the characteristics of certain animals. Does the animal have feathers? Does it have hair or fur? These are the types of questions we have been asking to figure out which group they belong to. 

In Week 5 we will be going on our school trip. Today I told everyone where we will be going and they are so excited! I will be emailing you all a google form this evening, so please respond as soon as it’s convenient. 

Have a lovely long weekend! 

Ms. Temple 😄

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Ms Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 2

Hello everyone!

This week’s weather has been a lot better than last week, giving our students plenty of chances to enjoy the great outdoors and soak up some fresh air. They also enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters for world book day on Tuesday. It was amazing to see so many creative costumes and I was so impressed by how many people in our class got involved with the charity read-a-thon. Well done everyone!

In Maths this week:

Year 1 have been continuing their unit on Multiplication and Division where they have been looking at adding equal groups, arrays, doubling, and grouping.

Year 2 have started a brand new on Fractions. They have looked parts of a whole, equal and unequal parts, recognising halves and finding halves.

In English this week:

In English class this week, we have continued to dive into the world of rhyming words and exploring poems that focus on different feelings and emotions. Through activities and reading exercises, they’ve been discovering how poetry can evoke a range of emotions, from joy to sadness and everything in between. We have also done a lot of reading this week thanks to world book day. I really hope this will inspire the children to read more books in their free time.

In IPC this week:

We have looked more closely at different animal habitats, and have explored why certain animals live in different places? Is it because of the climate, the food sources, or other animals around them?

I hope you all have a lovely weekend enjoy the nice warm weather together.

Ms. Temple 🙂 ☀️

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