Mr Dunn – 2023/24

Mr Dunn’s Class Update T3W3

We have some exciting trips coming up soon, don’t forget to sign up for the residential trip if you haven’t done so already. In addition to this, we have another trip planned for the 17th of May to act as our entry point to our new IPC unit ‘Explorers and Adventures’. Please fill out the permission form for this trip using this link.

Some of this week was spent completing INCAS assessments. Here’s a glimpse into what we’ve been up to in class this week:

English: In our English sessions, we delved deeper into our unit on Suspense Writing. We focused on crafting suspenseful settings through vivid descriptions, honing our skills in using direct speech effectively to help create tension. While exploring the five senses we engaged in role-playing an activity. The students had to sneak and hide in the hall while a shadowy figure (me) searched for them. This immersive experience enabled them to create suspenseful paragraphs based on their role-play.

Mathematics: Our math lessons revolved around the theme of money. We worked on ordering money, estimating amounts to tackle problem-solving tasks, and mastering addition and subtraction with money values. The students engaged in many different problem-solving skills, and challenges and reviewed many of these concepts through Sumdog and Education City.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): This week, the children took centre stage as they presented their findings on either how the ear or the eye functions. Following the presentations, we engaged in a comprehensive review session to reinforce our understanding of the topics covered. Additionally, students had the opportunity to explore various musical instruments, discovering how each instrument produces high and low sounds.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T3W1

Dear Parents,

A few reminders, next week there will be an information meeting about the residential trip. Mr Dunn’s Class Information Meeting – Thursday 25th April at 2.30pm.

At these meetings, parents and students will find out about all the exciting things we have planned and how you can help the trips run safely and smoothly. If you are unable to attend these meetings, notes will be published afterward via the newsletter.

Next Tuesday, is also World Book day, children are encouraged to come to school dressed as a character from a book. This is also the last day for read-a-thon, it would be great to have these forms collected on Tuesday.

Here’s a brief update on learning in class this week.

English: This week in English, we embarked on an exciting journey into the world of suspense writing. The students delved into a new unit where they explored the features of suspense writing. To kick things off, we analyzed an example text, pinpointing its key features. Moreover, the children had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the shoes of the main character by engaging in an exercise known as hot seating, where they portrayed Lara and delved into her perspective. Furthermore, they explored the main character more by writing diary entries based on the events of the story.

Mathematics: In mathematics, we commenced a fresh unit focusing on decimals and money. Throughout the week, students have been diligently learning how to compare, order, and round decimals to the nearest whole number. This foundational knowledge will help them move onto problems involving money next week.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): Our journey through the IPC curriculum took an exciting turn this week with the commencement of our new unit titled “Making Waves!” To kick things off, we embarked on an immersive entry point activity centred around the exploration of light and sound throughout our school environment. We also conducted a knowledge harvest to see what children already know and what they want to find out. Also, the students were engaged in various hands-on stations, each showcasing how sound is created by vibrations, which in turn generate sound waves that travel through either solid, liquid, or gas.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend everyone.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W12

We reached the end of term 2 and finished with a bang as students enjoyed International food share. Thank you to all the parents who helped with this event.

The only homework for the holiday is to read so students can join in with the Read-a-thon and some activities on Sumdog.

Here are some highlights from the classroom from the last week.


This week in English, we concluded our unit on Shape Poems. Students delved into the different types of figurative language and poetic expression, focusing particularly on shaping their verses to reflect their subject matter. We took our inspiration from nature, exploring the surrounding area of our school grounds. Back in the classroom, students brainstormed, planned, and crafted their final shape poems. What made this process even more engaging was our utilization of various ICT programs, which allowed students to generate words and arrange them in visually striking ways.


In maths, we dedicated our time to reinforcing and consolidating our recent learning. Through a series of mini-assessments, interactive activities on Sumdog, and collaborative board games, students had the opportunity to solidify their understanding of key mathematical concepts. 


This week also marked the end of our IPC unit, the students were tasked with marking the end of their learning and exploration with an Exit Point. Students presented their learning through visual representations, interactive elements, and well-prepared scripts highlighting their newfound knowledge. It was truly heartening to witness the confidence and enthusiasm with which our students shared their learnings. To further celebrate our achievements, we extended an invitation to Ms. Temple’s class to observe a demonstration of our collective learning journey.

That’s all for the week, I hope everyone has an enjoyable break.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W11

Hello everyone!

I hope this update finds you well. As we approach the Easter break, here is an update on some of the exciting learning experiences that have been taking place in our classroom.

English: We’ve embarked on a two-week poetry unit focusing on shape poems. The children have been exploring various poems, reviewing figurative language, and have even had the opportunity to craft their own poems. It’s been wonderful to witness their creativity flourish as they’ve drawn inspiration from diverse sources such as circles, bubbles, and nature.

Maths: We’ve wrapped up our unit on decimals. The students have been tackling concepts like dividing by 10 and 100, and they’ve had some hands-on practice by measuring different body parts and applying their division skills. They’ve also completed some end-of-unit assessments, showcasing their understanding of the material covered.

IPC: In IPC, we recently concluded a project centred around the impact of natural disasters. The students then made scripts and presented these presentations to the rest of the class. Additionally, we wrapped up our project on constructing working seismographs, and the students researched and added their findings to these models.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W10

Hello everyone!

Firstly, a reminder that on Tuesdays and Fridays, we have PE, and each child must wear an appropriate PE kit and bring a water bottle. The weather is also much warmer so please consider this so children can be more comfortable when playing games and activities.

I am excited to share some of the recent highlights from our classroom activities:

English: In English, we have successfully wrapped up our Newspaper Report unit. The culmination of this unit was the planning and writing of our hot task assessments. Utilizing their laptops the children crafted their reports, considering various features and layouts. Their engagement and enthusiasm throughout this process were commendable, and we witnessed a remarkable effort from each student.

Maths: Building upon our previous learning on tenths, we delved into the concept of dividing 2 and 1-digit numbers by 10 in our Maths lessons. To aid their understanding; the children utilized counters and place value charts, enabling them to visualize and comprehend the process effectively.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): In our IPC sessions, we embarked on an intriguing research project focusing on the impact of natural disasters on individuals, countries, and neighbouring nations. The children have been actively involved in this project, conducting research and preparing presentations. They have compiled valuable information and have made presentations and scripts, which they’re presenting on Monday. This project has provided them with an opportunity to explore real-world issues, fostering both knowledge and empathy.

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Mr Dunn’s class update T2W9

Hello everyone.

We are coming towards the end of term 2, here is an overview of the learning that happened this week.

English: This week in English, the students have been actively engaged in writing newspaper reports. Many of these reports have been centred around natural disasters; which nicely aligns with our current learning in IPC or children choose a recent event like the opening day to base it on. We began by planning our reports on Monday, and each day students worked on writing a paragraph, gradually building their reports with attention to features and structure.

Mathematics: In mathematics, our focus has been on mass and capacity. Students have been exploring measurement, comparing different quantities, and practising addition and subtraction within this area. We used Education City and Sumdog to review our current and recent learning.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): In IPC, the children have been immersed in hands-on learning experiences. The students conducted an experiment on viscosity, examining how different substances flow and linking this concept to how lava flows. Additionally, students have started crafting a working seismograph, they worked very well in their pairs to do this.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend everyone.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W8

Hello everyone.

A quick request to help with a craft activity in the upcoming week, could you please send a cardboard box by Wednesday, thank you for your help.

I am excited to share updates on what your child has been learning in class recently. Here’s a brief overview of what we covered:

English: In English class, we delved deeper into our exploration of newspapers. We focused on understanding and using the past tense effectively, practised writing conclusions for newspaper articles, and honed our comprehension skills with a specific focus on newspapers. We also looked at facts and opinions and played an interactive game were the students had to sort statements. To consolidate our learning, each student created a poster highlighting a particular feature of newspapers. This activity allowed them to showcase their understanding creatively and visually.

Mathematics: In mathematics, we continued our exploration of decimals. Students learned how to convert tenths to decimals, explored decimals using place value, and practised plotting decimals on a number line. These skills are crucial for and will help the children with the rest of the unit in particular dividing numbers by 10.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): In our IPC sessions, we embarked on an artistic journey centred around volcanoes. Students explored various art techniques, including the splatter technique, to create stunning paintings inspired by volcanic eruptions. Based on last week’s earthquake-resistant tower design and construction, we researched famous earthquake-resistant structures from around the world, providing valuable insights into architecture and structural engineering.

That’s all for the week, I hope you all had a great weekend.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W7

Dear Parents,

I hope this message finds you well. Here are some of the highlights of this week’s learning.

A special week with the Opening Day Event on Wednesday, and it was so nice to see so many of you in attendance. I must express my pride and admiration for our class’s outstanding drum performance during the official school opening ceremony.

English: In English class, we delved deeper into our unit on newspaper writing. The students actively participated in interviewing each other, honing their skills in using direct and indirect speech. Additionally, we focused on formal writing, explored past tense usage, and practised writing in the third person. These exercises are crucial for developing well-rounded writing skills that will serve them in various contexts.

Mathematics: This week in math, we embarked on an exciting journey into the realm of decimals. The students began by mastering the identification of tenths and then progressed to counting up and down in tenths. They also learned to express tenths as decimals, laying a solid foundation for more complex decimal operations in the future.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): Our IPC exploration led us to the fascinating world of structural engineering. The highlight of this week was undoubtedly the construction of earthquake-resistant towers. Using the materials provided, the students worked collaboratively to design and build towers capable of withstanding simulated seismic activity. They even had the opportunity to test their creations using shake tables, which they constructed.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Update T2W6

Hello everyone!

Firstly, mid-year reports were sent home today with your child. Secondly, I am providing a Google form so you can arrange a parent-teacher conference with me to discuss your child’s report and progress. Please use this link: Parent-Teacher Conference form.

Here’s a glimpse into what your child has been learning this week:

English: This week in English, we embarked on an exciting journey into the world of newspaper reports. To kick things off, we conducted a cold task assessment to gauge our students’ prior knowledge and understanding. Subsequently, we delved into lessons focused on identifying key features inherent in newspaper reports. Our budding journalists then engaged in a creative exercise where they crafted captivating headlines inspired by classic fairy tales. Also, we played a game where we guessed each other’s fairytale based on the headline. Additionally, we dedicated a session to reinforcing the usage of conjunctions through a fun and interactive quiz, enhancing both grammar skills and comprehension.

Maths: In Maths, our exploration of time continued. We delved deeper into the intricacies of converting analogue time to digital format, providing our students with practical skills essential in today’s digital age. Furthermore, we navigated through various time-related problems, tackling challenges related to duration and honing our ability to compare different durations effectively.

IPC (International Primary Curriculum): Within our IPC curriculum, our study delved into the historical perspective of volcanic eruptions, particularly examining the infamous event in Pompeii. Through thorough research, our students unearthed key facts and insights, which served as the foundation for either crafting a compelling newspaper report or creating captivating comic book strips depicting the pivotal events surrounding volcanic eruptions.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend.

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Mr Dunn’s Class Weekly Update T2W4

We hope this message finds you well. We said farewell to another student this week as Carolina also moved to Singapore, she will be missed by all at HFS. Here’s a glimpse into what your children have been up to in class this week:

English: This week in English, we concluded our planning phase for the adventure stories your children are working on. Each day was dedicated to writing a paragraph, allowing the students to dive into their narratives step by step. Students actively engaged in the revision process at the beginning of each lesson, making improvements based on the constructive feedback provided. The focus has been refining their storytelling skills and enhancing their written expression.

Maths: In our maths lessons, we embarked on a new unit exploring the concept of time. Students delved into understanding different units of time and honed their skills in converting between them. Using their multiplication table knowledge, they applied these skills to tackle time conversions.

IPC: The children dived into the fascinating world of plate boundaries; they made and painted models representing these boundaries. Following this creative endeavour, they wrote up explanations to accompany their model, contributing to the creation of a comprehensive poster. Additionally, the students delved into the topic of earthquakes, gaining insights into how they are measured and exploring their various effects.

That’s all for this week, have a great weekend everyone.

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