Mr Dunn’s Class Update T3W8

Hello everyone!

Wow, only three weeks until the end of the school year after another action-packed, full of fun and learning. Here is an overview of what we got up to.


This week in English we continued our learning about persuasive writing. We compared examples of persuasive letters, answered questions based on them, explored subordinate clauses, and planned a persuasive letter to showcase all our recent learning.


In maths, we started a new unit on the properties of shapes. We began by looking at angles, exploring turns and angles, identifying different types, and comparing and ordering them.


For our IPC lessons, we finished our independent research project on a significant explorer. Then, we started to explore what life would be like on a ship during an explorer’s voyage. The students worked together to produce a poster, drawing a picture of a ship, and adding their research on different aspects, such as work, conditions, and the diet of a sailor.

That’s all for the week, I hope you had a great weekend.

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