Week 5, Term 2

Week 5 already over?! We have an extra long weekend this week, remember no school Friday February 9th and no school Monday February 12th due to Lunar New Year.

This past week I have been very ill and needed to stay home. Many students were also out sick all week, and sadly the school had to cancel its Lunar Celebration plans. I appreciate everyones patience and understanding, and special thank you to Mr. Green and Ms. Temple for covering my classes! Please be careful out there; was hands regularly, eat well, dress warm, and isolate yourself if you have symptoms of sickness!

Next week we will be back to business, so I will be sure to get plenty of pictures of our learning fun. 🙂

For homework, I assigned two assignments on Google Classroom that were started in class. If they were not finished, please be sure to do them by next Tuesday! All the instruction are posted in detail, please email me if you have any questions.

  • English: write a diary entry then rewrite it as a blog post (In a Google Doc)
  • History: Review the slides and fill out the organizer with the needed information
  • Math: Khan Academy assigned tasks on Angles (this is optional).

Have a wonderful weekend, take care, and see you all on Tuesday!

Mrs. Leah

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