Ms. Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 2 Week 11

Hello everyone,

It’s been another sunny week and excitement was in the air on Tuesday when the students had their cooking class. They all did so well at following instructions and they really seemed to enjoy themselves. I have added the recipe into their homework this week if you would like to have a go at making these at home? Here is what we’ve been up to this week:

In Maths the Year 1 students started their new unit. ‘Mass and Volume’. They have been comparing the mass of different objects by using the language ‘lighter than’ and ‘heavier than’. For measuring volume they have looked at how different containers have different capacities and how this can affect the volume. 

The Year 2 students have also been looking at mass using grams and kilograms, and which unit of measurement is more appropriate for certain objects. They have also been comparing the mass of objects using the correct terminology.

In English we have completed our unit, ‘Do it like this’. We had our cooking class on Tuesday and the students used this experience to write their recipes for the cupcakes. I was so impressed by how much they were able to remember! They also wrote book reports during Story Time, which I cannot wait to display in the classroom. 

In IPC we have looked at board games and their features. They questioned what makes a board game interesting and had a go at designing their own. We are so close to the end of this unit, which means we are almost ready to display our toys in the toy museum. This will be open for everyone to see on international day! 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 

Ms. Temple🙂

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