Ms. Temple’s Weekly Update – Term 3 Week 8

Hello everyone! 

Another sunny week has passed and we’re getting ever closer to the summer. I hope you all enjoyed the day off on Thursday as much as I did! It’s always nice to have a day off to break up the week. 

Here is what Year 1-2 have been up to this week:


Year 1 have started their new unit, “Place Value within 100”. They have looked at number lines to 100 and partitions of two-digit numbers. Next week Year 1 will be focussing on comparing numbers using greater than, less than, or equal to.  

Year 2 finished their unit on “Time” and I am so impressed with how well they have grasped the concept of analogue time. This is such a tricky process, but they have been practising this a lot and can now tell me the time using our classroom clock, which is an analogue clock. Time is a concept that takes a long time to master, but they have done really well. Well done Year 2! 


This week we have continued looking at non-fiction texts. This week we have been looking at how information texts use pictures and captions to draw the reader’s attention. For their homework this week, I have included some photos of the students, which they can write their own captions for. These can be as long or as short as they like. 


In IPC, we have started our new unit, “Hooray – Let’s Go on Holiday” by having a class discussion about holidays we have been on in the past. Next week we will look more closely at the types of holidays people like to go on, and what places people like to visit the most. 

A gentle reminder: The days are getting hotter, which means the aircon is often on in the classroom and the cafeteria. It might be a good idea to send your little one to school with a cardigan or jumper to use in the classroom, just in case they get a bit chilly.

The ABC Countdown has been so much fun so far. This week we had a fun trip to the convenience store to get some icecream, we shared our favourite games, we had some students come in with some fantastic hats and hairstyles, and we even started making some spinning Korean flags (These will be coming home next week 🙂)

These are the letters for next week’s ABC countdown:

L – Letter – Let’s write a letter for a loved one.

M – Movie – Let’s watch a movie we can all enjoy!

N – Notebook – Let’s decorate our summer notebooks!

O – Origami – Let’s make something amazing out of paper!

P – Pyjama day – Let’s be super comfortable on the last day of the week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Temple 🙂

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