HFS Newsletter – Term 1 – Week 0

Welcome Back!

It has been great to see everyone back in school this week. We have seen some new faces and lots of old faces. We have had a great couple of days getting to know each other and our new classes. The serious work of learning starts on Monday!

After School Activities

After-school activities will begin in Week 2 (next week is Week 1).

This year we are excited to be introducing some great new after-school activities from external providers. Some activities have a cost and some are free. Please note the age restrictions and the maximum number of students for each activity.

We will be checking all the sign-ups next week to make sure everything is fair and ready to go for Week 2. If there are too many students wanting to do an activity we will look carefully at all the activities and try to make sure it is fair. As always, we kindly ask that you think carefully about what activities you sign up for. The leader of the activity and the other students deserve to have students who really want to be there. Thank you.

A confirmed list of students for each activity will be published next week.

We will be continuing our very successful Student-Led Clubs on Fridays. The students have until Wednesday to apply to lead a club and sign-ups will go up next week. Student-led clubs will also start in Week 2 and full details will be published later. We are hoping that some of the older students will lead clubs for the younger students.

Please use this form to sign up for after-school activities before Wednesday next week.

Relocation Update

As you know, we are very much looking forward to moving to our new campus in January. Mr Green visited the site this week and saw that renovation work is very much in progress. The building is being remodelled from the ground up with interior walls and staircases all being removed and replaced. Work is on track and we will keep you updated as work progresses.

Parent Teacher Association – PTA

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a group of parents who organise events and get involved with helping the school in various ways. We are always keen to meet new or old parents who want to get involved.

If you want to be involved with the PTA you are invited to a Coffee Morning on Friday 1st September at 11 am. This is a great chance to meet some other parents, chat with Mr. Green and learn about the PTA. Even if you are not sure about joining the PTA, please come along to the Coffee Morning for a chat.

Our first PTA event will be a Halloween Party on Friday 27th October

Welcome New Staff

A very warm welcome to Ms. Amy and Ms. Tanisha who are joining HFS this year.

Ms. Amy is a new Teaching Assistant who will be mostly working with Ms. McClellan’s Class and Mrs. Sim’s Class.

Ms Tanasha is our new EAL Teacher who will be in school on Wednesdays and Thursdays working with students who need a bit of extra help with English.

School Consultative Group

The School Consultative Group is a group of parents, teachers and administrators who meet to discuss the development of the school. Meetings consist of a presentation by the Principal followed by the opportunity to ask questions.

Our first meeting of the year is scheduled for Tuesday 26th of September

Further details to follow.

Meet the Teacher Days

You should receive details about an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher in your Class Update this week. We like to see as many parents as possible at these meetings so the teacher can explain the curriculum and how things work in their class.

Class Updates

Don’t forget to read your latest Class Update!

Great Learning Happening