HFS Newsletter – Term 1 – Week 7

Kindness Market

The Kindness Market on Wednesday raised an amazing 565,200 won!

A big thank you to the PTA and everyone who helped, donated items or bought things.

Take a look at some great pictures from the event below.

International Children’s Festival

Students in Mrs Leah’s and Mr Morgan’s classes will be taking part in the International Children’s Festival on Friday this week. We will be performing two songs and a drum routine. Parents are welcome to attend. The event is being held at the Ulsan Family Culture Centre, which is located close to the main entrance of Ulsan Grand Park. The event starts at 2 pm and should last about one hour. Please contact the Admin Office if you need further details or directions.

Parents are also asked to complete this permission form.


HFS will be enjoying some Halloween fun on Friday 27th October.

Students are invited to come to school in their own creative Halloween costumes.

The PTA will be organising a wonderful event!

Upcoming Dates

  • Week 8 – Friday 20th OctoberInternational Children’s Festival – HFS Students will be performing at this event and parents will be invited to attend
  • Week 8 – Friday 27th OctoberPTA Halloween Party – Further. details to follow
  • Monday 30th October – Mid-Term Break

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Kindness Market Photographs