Spring Picnic
- The cherry blossoms are blooming…
- The weather is getting warmer, and…
- The Spring Picnic is next weekend!
- Use this form to let us know who is coming!

International Day Food Share

It is not too late to get involved with the International Day Food Share Event!
Please sign-up using this form.
So far, we have tables from:
USA | Indonesia | Philippines | Korea | Ukraine | Japan | Denmark | China | India | Canada | UK
Contact the PTA for more information.
International Cookbook
We havent received very many recipes for our International Cookbook 😕
- We are looking for your favorite recipes from your country
- It doesn’t have to be your own special recipe
- You can share via this form or simply email a photograph to the PTA
- The International Cookbook will make a wonderful memory of your time at HFS
PE Kit
Please remember that students need to be properly dressed to be safe and comfortable while being active in PE lessons.
Student must:
- Be wearing sports shoes
- Be able to tie long hair up
- Remove glasses or have safe sports glasses
- Be wearing either the school cool PE shirt or grey PE shirt (in the short term, other appropriate sportswear will be accepted)
- Be wearing sports clothing on their lower half
- Bring a water bottle
Stduent must not:
- Wear denim
- Wear dress shoes
- Wear glasses that are not designed to be safe for sports
Please help us to keep our students safe, active, and healthy!
School Photogrpahs
All parents should have received an email this week with instructions on how to access our school photographs. Let us know if you have trouble accessing the photographs
Nature Garden Update
A big thank you to everyone who came last weekend to help with building our HFS Community Nature Garden. It is looking great and ready for the planting season.
You can follow our progress towards Eco-School Green Flag status via the Community Nature Garden’s own Instagram Page
This week we have been:
- Planting some fruit and vegetables
- Removing rocks and debris ready to plant some wild flowers
- Covering the remaining area with bark
- Watering
- Installing bird houses

A quick reminder that all students are expected to have at least one set of school uniform to wear on special occasions such as trips and school photograph days.
Help in the Library
Thank you to everyone who has been helping with book sorting and reorganising the library. It is looking a lot better, and the students have access to lots of new books.
There is still work to be done, and any help is much appreciated.
Important Dates in Term 3
Here are some exciting things coming up in Term 3
- Sports Day – Thursday 23rd May
- Residential Trips
- Mr Dunn’s class – Tuesday 28th to Wednesday 29th of May
- Mr Morgan’s class and Mrs Leah’s class – Wednesday 29th May to Friday 31st May
Please note, dates may change, and further details will be posted closer to these events.
Congratulations, Mr Green!
Congratulations to Mr. Green on being awarded his Masters Degree in Education from the University of Buckingham. Mr. Green’s research focused on the evolving field of generative artificial intelligence and its role in education.
Class Photographs

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