World Book Day
World Book Day is on Tuesday.
Students are invited to come to school dressed as a character from a favourite book. If you don’t want to dress up, that is ok.

After-School Activities
After-School Activities start in Week 2
Here is a list of those who have signed up for each activity.
Please also remember to check the bus schedule.
Student-led Activities
Some students are organising student-led activities for their fellow students.
Check out and sign-up for student-led activities on Fridays using this form
Please sign-up before Monday so we can arrange the buses.
Returning Students Survey
To help us plan for next year, we need to know who will be returning to HFS for the academic year 2024/25.
Please take a moment to complete this form and let us know if you will be joining us next year.
Due date: Friday 26th April
Residential Trip Information Sessions
We are looking forward to our residential trips to Geumnyeonsan Youth Training Institute in Week 6
We would like to invite all parents of students in Mr Dunn’s, Mr Morgan’s and Mrs leah’s classes to information sessions for our residential trips in week 6. At these meetings, parents and students will find out about all the exciting things we have planned and how you can help the trips run safely and smoothly.
- Mr Dunn’s Class Information Meeting – Thursday 25th April at 2.30pm
- Mr Morgan’s and Mrs Leah’s Class Information Meeting – Thursday 25th April at 10.30am
If you are unable to attend these meetings, notes will be published afterward via the newsletter.
HHI Community Credit Cooperative Charity Concert
Our friends from HHI Community Credit Cooperative will be hosting a charity concert at school on Friday 26th April from 1.40pm. At this event, their band will play and scholarships will be presented to worthy Korean students to attend Korean schools in the area. Prizes will also be awarded to HFS students who raised the most money through the Readathon. Parents will also be invited to attend and donate to the charity we are supporting. Parents are welcome to attend this event.
Outdoor Play
At HFS we value getting outside for playtime and for learning experiences.
Here are some things to remember:
- As the weather get hotter, it is a good idea to have a hat to wear when we are outdoors
- On days when we are outside, all students are expected to be outside, unless parents have contacted the Admin Office in advance. Meeting requests for students to stay inside adversely affects learning and the smooth operation of the school.
- The school has criteria for deciding when we will stay inside due to adverse conditions such as bad-air quality and extreme temperatures.
Don’t forget the Read-a-thon!
Students should bring their Read-a-thon record and sponsorship forms to World Book Day on Tuesday 23rd April (Week 2). Prizes for the most books read and the most money raised will be awarded at the Charity Concert on Friday 26th April.
Parent Consultation Meeting
A parent consultation meeting will be held on Wednesday 24th April at 5.30pm
All parents are welcome to attend
- Feedback on Relocation Process
- Staffing for 2024/25 Academic Year
- School Fees for 2024/25 Academic Year
- 2024/25 School Calendar
Check out these exciting units our students will be studying at the beginning of term 3!

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Class Updates
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